Chapter 14: It's Way Too Early For This

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It was absurdly early in the morning to do anything productive, yet there Shadow was, packing up his very few belongings into a small suitcase Tails had left in the corner sometime last night. With a glance at his alarm clock, he blankly noted that it was around four in the morning on the Saturday after Amy's funeral.

Zipping up his suitcase, he was about to reach for the doorknob when the sound of the doorbell suddenly chimed through the silent house. Shadow froze, his eyes darting around his room as he tried to figure out who could possibly be at the door this early on the weekend. Sonic and Knuckles don't get here until later, right? One of his inner voices questioned. He wasn't entirely sure.

The doorbell rung again a moment later, and Shadow gritted his teeth irritatedly. How persistent, he thought to himself with an eyeroll. He silently released his grip on his suitcase, turning the doorknob to exit his bedroom as quietly as he could manage.

Judging by the fact that the door had not been answered yet and also that it was four in the morning, Shadow figured Tails was still asleep. The hedgehog glided lightly across the room to get to the front door, refusing to acknowledge the slight chill that wormed down his spine at the acceptance that he was technically fully alone. He shook his head spastically, clearing the thought. You are more than capable of handling any enemy on your own! He reminded himself firmly, his eyes shut and teeth bared.

The doorbell chimed one more time, and Shadow's crimson eyes flew open in annoyance as he undid every individual lock and flung the door open with a fierce glare, which immediately vanished at the sight of Zooey standing before him. His eyes were wide for a moment, assessing, until they narrowed a second later as his lips curled downwards.

"What are you doing here? . . At four in the morning?" He grunted, almost failing to notice the slight twinge of annoyance in the female fox's expression before it was immediately masked by a smile so sweet yet shy it made Shadow nauseous.

"Here to check on Tails." She said meekly, rubbing one arm after releasing a nervous chuckle. Shadow's eyes narrowed further. " At four in the morning?" He spoke harshly, leaning his face slightly closer to hers. She flinched at his harsh tone.

"I didn't know it was so early." She mentioned, her eyes darting to the side to avoid Shadow's menacing glare. "Tails is still asleep--the sun isn't even out yet!" Shadow pointed out, highly displeased. She suddenly met his gaze, all remnants of her shy facade vanishing as a twinge of annoyance emerged on her uninteresting face. "I just wanted to comfort him for being kicked out of school, is that really so bad?" She said, the slightest hint of exasperation in her unwavering voice.

Shadow's glare did not falter, even as Zooey's own cold stare challenged his. He was about to yell at her to get off Tails' porch when he suddenly remembered seeing that dreadful green hedgehog approach her yesterday. ". . . What did Scourge want from you yesterday?" He asked.

Zooey froze, her face surprised. Her lips were slightly parted as she appeared to struggle to form any words, before finally settling on a shaky ". . . Huh ?"

"Scourge. Green Australian dude in the leather jacket. He's an asshole. I saw him walk up to you yesterday after the ceremony. Did he do something to you—" He was quickly cut off by the sound of Zooey gently saying "No."

"It was nothing. Just . . . regular Scourge shenanigans. Y'know." She reassured with a small smile. Shadow narrowed his eyes, folding his arms impatiently as he lightly leaned against the doorframe. After a moment, his stare shifted down to a rather large basket next to the vixen on the doorstep.

"Give this to Tails when he's awake. It's a gift. I'm leaving." Zooey smiled wistfully, harshly shoving a large basket into Shadow's arms and causing him to stumble back a few feet from the unexpected weight of it. Shadow regained his balance and watched as the fox left the property and trudged off into the encasing darkness. Frowning, he set down the basket next to him and shut and locked the door.

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