Chapter 9: The Birds and the Hedgehogs

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The day ended, and the main group stood together in a clump at the bus stop. Nobody had seen Amy since lunch, but due to Sonic's bitterness towards her nobody showed their concern. From the way she had been acting, Shadow began to assume she was avoiding them on purpose. He wondered if she'd still show up tomorrow.

"We should do something tonight." Knuckles said, and the rest of the group nodded with smiles on their faces. "We could go to Green Hill Zone and just hang out," Sonic offered. Everybody stared at him for a moment. "That sounds kinda lame man." Knuckles stated bluntly, placing his one usable arm on his hip. "We could have a movie night!" Tails exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly as the group exchanged eager glances and nodded with smiles.

"That could be fun." Rouge said, smiling slightly. "Whose place should we go to for that?" She asked, her arms folded together likely to keep her hands warm. The days were starting to get noticeably colder, and Rouge didn't seem like the type to wear coats or warm clothes in general.

Sonic raised his hand. "Mine! I have the greatest house, the greatest selection of DVDs and streaming service subscriptions, and the greatest TV! I also have the greatest looks in this entire group. Apart from Shadow, of course. And who could forget Rouge!?" Sonic exclaimed, causing Rouge to squirm uncomfortably and avoid the stare of the blue hedgehog. "That sounds like a really great idea!" Tails shouted for some reason even though they were all close to each other.

The bus skidded to a halt at the bus stop a moment later, and they all filed on and took their seats. Cream and Tails sat down near the back next to Knuckles and Rouge. Shadow sat down in the seat across from them, and to his disgust Sonic sat down beside him with a look in his eyes Shadow was slowly learning to be wary of.

"Hey sexy. Mind if I call you Shaddy-poo? You can call me daddy." Sonic whispered into his ears as Shadow pressed against the window with wide eyes. Sonic chuckled, and leaned away from Shadow. "No need to look so scared, baby. It's only me." Sonic said, flipping his quills like a very sassy teenager. Shadow couldn't tell if he was hallucinating or something though, since after a moment Sonic's arms turned fully blue and a brown bandana was wrapped around his neck as sports tape appeared around his gloves and shoes.

Shadow looked away, instead looking out the window. As he watched the houses zoom past he could feel Sonic's breath getting closer and closer to him until he was almost breathing directly onto his face. "Get any closer to me and I'll rip your dick right off you and shove it down your throat." Shadow growled menacingly, and Sonic stopped for a minute before letting out a small purring noise. "You can do anything you want to me, Shaddy." He whispered, and Shadow stood and punched him in the face.

He felt a sickening crunch reverberate through his fist as it made contact with Sonic's face, and Shadow grabbed Sonic by his shoulders and threw him onto the floor of the bus. "Stop trying to get into my pants! " Shadow yelled, his rage bubbling through him as adrenaline coursed through his veins.

Shadow used Chaos Control and warped himself directly to Tails' house. He wasn't sure how everyone had reacted to his sudden outburst but one thing was for sure: that little hedgehog deserved it. As he revisited the scene in his mind, he suddenly realized how scared everyone else had looked. Like he was a grenade tossed directly before them right after the pin was ripped out.

He didn't care. He paced through the kitchen, unsure of what to do with himself as the adrenaline kept his heart pumping. He realized the bus would return soon, and he didn't want to talk to Tails after they had watched him beat up the leader of their friend group. He went into his bedroom and rifled through his drawers until he found a bulky grey hoodie and threw it on, leaving the hood over his quills and ears as a way to conceal his identity to avoid confrontation. He left the house shortly after, slamming the door behind him as he stormed down the sidewalk.

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