Chapter 15: Egg-celent Waste of Time!

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". . . You're joking, right?" Shadow gaped.

He had completely forgotten how to close his mouth. His jaw hung open limply as he stared through the front doorway, taking in the disaster that was Sonic and Knuckles' bachelor pad.

"C'mon in, welcome to the party!" He felt gloved hands on his back lightly shove him through the door, and he could physically feel the change in atmosphere as he passed into the foyer. A wall of stench hit him in the face hard , his hand immediately slapping over his nose as the scent penetrated his nostrils and set his lungs on fire. Oh Chaos. This was a huge mistake, one of Shadow's inner voices screamed.

Sonic and Knuckles comfortably squeezed past him, walking a couple feet before stopping and turning to face Shadow with wide grins. Flabbergasted, Shadow's gaze travelled down to whatever it was that the hedgehog and echidna stood in. A thick layer of . . . something coated the entire floor, so densely that you could not tell what the floor was actually made of.

"What. What is on the floor." Shadow said quietly, trying his best to not suck in any of the revolting air--if it could even be called that.

Sonic tapped his chin and glanced down at his feet before quickly looking back up at Knuckles with a questioning look. "Some kind of combination of grapes and chilli dogs, I think. Oh, and Pizza Hut." Knuckles explained, and Sonic nodded happily after a moment.

"Welcome to our humble abode." Sonic said sweetly, his hands clasped together. "It's not much, but it's home."

The next hour was one of the longest of Shadow's life. Dodging the debris (and rats) on the floor, he discovered that there was only one large, red heart-shaped bed in the entire apartment that Sonic and Knuckles informed they all shared.

Above the bed on the padded wall was a large portrait of Shadow himself. It unnerved him to realize that the pair slept beneath his presence and he wasn't even made aware of it until now. "How long has that . . . been there?" Shadow asked uncomfortably. Sonic and Knuckles stared at him blankly.

"What're you referring to?" Knuckles asked dumbly, his cowboy hat shifting as his head tilted to the side like a dog. "There's a lot of stuff here man, you gotta be more specific."

"The picture of me." Shadow glared, and Knuckles grinned at him with happy eyes in response. "A while, actually. Thought you were talking about the other portraits at first!" He exclaimed loudly, Sonic smiling next to him.

" Other portraits?" Shadow repeated, eyes widening. Oh Chaos.

"Here, we'll show you in a minute. We haven't finished the tour yet!!" Sonic singsonged, wrapping an arm around the shoulder of the echidna next to him.

"So this is our bedroom as you can tell. Only one in the whole house so we hope you're fine with sharing--" Sonic started, waving his arms around while pointing at random objects and whatnot.

There was a large jacuzzi built into the floor, which Shadow wouldn't have a problem with if it weren't for the fact that it looked like you could get a staph infection from just looking at it. Grime and grease and god-knows-what-else clung to the jacuzzi, and Shadow noticed several rats snoozing innocently in the bottom. He chewed his lip in discomfort.

"That's the piss corner. Bathroom's off-limits right now." Knuckles gestured excitedly to a corner of the bedroom that undeniably smelled wack. A small picture of Amy was hung there, "so we have somewhere to aim." Shadow shuddered. They weren't like this in regular Mobius, were they? He grimaced at the thought.

Rats excitedly danced around his feet as the hedgehog and echidna continued to excitedly point out different perks of their bachelor pad. "Why haven't you dealt with the rats?" Shadow inquired in displeasure as he lightly kicked several off of him. Sonic and Knuckles stared at him in shock momentarily.

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