Chapter 5: The Prophecy

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At this moment, Tyler Wine was fully armored amd more than ready to kick his friends' asses as he stomped towards their direction. Ever since waking up in his old Minecraft house and becoming his characters' avatar for some unknown reason, he was stunned, he doesn't know how or why but his guts told him it was either the two or his friends.

And that's not the only thing that makes him confuse, for some reason when he wield his diamond sword, somehow he feel he experience fights and battles before, but that isn't matter yet, he wants to kick their asses and find out his situation.

While he was trying to find his asshole friends, he didn't even pay notice to the monsters screaming in pain, explosions being heard in the distance, as well as his friends laughing their asses off and yelling so loud and quickly that one couldn't even begin to figure out who said that? And what was said to for that matter.

As Wildcat got closer to the chaos he saw what looked liked a bunch of half-naked mobs scrambling to try and flee to safety, only to be either cut down or shot by one of his friends with enchanted arrows, usually resulting in one of the monsters being blown up, encased in spider webs, or set ablaze.

What once a group of 500 monsters of Strurruilk was now only less than 30, and that dwindling at a fast rate.

Nogla was charging at the remaining monsters like a mad dog, even barking like one too as he swung a diamond sword at three Hobgoblins. Astonishly, Nogla skills is even at a skilled swordsmen which Wildcat knew, that Nogla isn't a fighter back in real life.

Basically was repeatingly slamming his shield against the head of an ogre, who was too terrified of what had just transpired to even move, prompting the beast to try and shield himself from Basically's attacks with his arms.

Terroriser was firing flaming arrows at ten Goblins and few Hobgoblins that we're trying to escape, getting enough smarts to recognize a losing battle.

Vanoss annihilated an ogre by burying a dimond shovel into his skull. It was kinda funny, but Wildcat was too posed at the moment.

Moo and Delirious were battling against a few brain-dead goblins who thought they could actually beat the people that had them by the scrotum. It obviously ended with a pile of dead goblins.

As Wildcat saw this going on, the green humanoid piglin leader tried to make a run for it in the confusion, and being as pissed as he was, Wildcat's OCD wasn't going to let this fucker live.

Pulling out a lucky bow, Tyler took aim at the fleeing Piglin and fired.

What came next, to the surprise of the rest of Team 6, was the sound of TNT going off, causing Team 6 to see Wildcat with an empty bow, and a smoking crater was several feet away from him, with the remains of the proud king Strurruilk, burnt flesh were everywhere on the ground.

This caused the rest of Team 6 to stop what they were doing, which in this case was beating the crap out of bunch of dead monsters.

While theu couldn't see it, they could definitely feel that Tyler was pissed off.

Rearing his head only a little, Wildcat's angry eyes met the worried eyes of the rest of Team 6 as he finally spoke to his group of retarded friends.

Wildcat: WHO DID IT?!?!!?

He yelled out of them, causing a few of them to jump at the sudden volume increase.

Knowing that he was most likely talking about he got teleported to their old server or whenever they were, most of them don't want to get blamed, everyone especially Vanoss pointed at the person who is the last person who is still playing their old server...

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