Chapter 118: Planting the Seed of Chaos

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(Headquarters of the Scorch Mutiny, Elder Duergar council.)

Sitting in his seat, Odin, one of the duergar elders, looked around him and asked the rest of the elders present.

Odin: How is Dr. Gigawatts doing?

Dorara: He is currently working on disabling the third beacon.

Dorara answered from her seat. She sounded very pleased with Gigawatts' work.

Odin: Do you have any idea when he will get it done? If we get one or two more beacons disabled, we should be able to completely destroy the barrier to let our allies free.

Dorara: That...I'm not too sure myself. He's just got done with the second beacon, so I reckon it will be done within the week.

Dorara replied with a tight frown on her face. Because Gigawatts requested for him to not be monitored or bothered while he was working, no one actually knew how far he was in the project.

Since he had proven himself by deactivating the first and second beacons, the elders had no qualms with the fact that they couldn't monitor him.

Furthermore, Dr. Gigawatts' request wasn't strange. Many of the duergars present were engineers, and they all knew just how important keeping their blueprints and projects a secret was.

It was their life's work. No one would like it for their work to be seen by others.

All that mattered to them was that he deactivated the beacons.

Having already inspected his strength, they weren't worried about Gigawatts running away as they had set up multiple guards way above his rank to monitor him.

Dorara: From what I heard, Dr. Giawatts said that the process of deactivation differs per beacon. That is why it is taking time for him to fully extract the memories from Jaroslav and process them in time.

Odin: I see...looks like that bastard was a thorough one... If he manages to get it done by the end of the week, we should start getting ready.

Turning to face one of the duergars standing on the other side of the hall, Odin decided to give out orders.

Odin: Send a message to all members. Within a week, when the barrier is finally breached, I want these humans to be ready to assault the Dwarven Capital from the inside, and let the demons go on a full-scale offense. In no time, we could kill multiple birds with one stone...

A colorless hue mixed with black threads of energy expanded from his body as his cold voice rang throughout the room.

Odin: ...It's time we finally got rid of those bastards.


But just as his words faded, with a loud bang, a duergar rushed into the room.

Before the elders could say anything about the rude intrusion, the duergar shouted in wild panic.

Random Duergar: We've got an urgent report! The artifact testing facilities have been breached!

Odin: The artifact testing facilities?

Odin's brow raised in surprise. He seemed relaxed despite hearing of an intruder in the artifact testing area.

Random Elder: Who's the idiot trying to breach the artifact testing facilities?

That place was like a prison. The moment it was breached, although no one could go in, no one could also go out.

To the Elders, whoever was trying to breach the place seemed to be an idiot. Thus, that's why the Elders were completely relaxed.

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