Chapter 57: Caeruleum Guardians

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(Orazvil City, 2nd City District, In an Inn)

Delirious: Uuuhhhhh, How long are we going to stay in this Inn? I just can't wait to go to a dungeon and kick monsters ass.

Delirious complained while he watched his friends deal with something.

Nogla: You're not alone, buddy.

Basically: two or four hours, I guess. We're planning to recollect more information about this city. We will go to the Adventurers Guild soon.

Delirious: I see… But this city sure is different, huh.

His friends agreed with Delirious' words.

Different from Kalren, Orazvil did have so many mercenaries, hunters, or adventurers than Kalren's; in fact, most people carried weapons in the streets. On the other hand, you could also see a great number of merchants selling their wares, together with beastmen and sometimes Dwarves and even Orcs selling the specialties of their lands. Including other races that are very rare or they couldn't explain like one woman has snakes as her hair, a male with wings on his back like some sort of Angel or a person with a single horn on his forehead like these Asian mythology demons, Onis, and fairies. However, the only thing is missing in a fantasy like world they were in is Elves, but they didn't think too much about the topic.

Hence, what they learn about this city is xenophobic discrimination in this city was almost nonexistent. And although the conflict between races was not completely eliminated, it was kept to a minimum.

Thus, Vanoss and Wildcat can freely roam around without getting provoked or insulted by racist humans. Due to that, Wildcat had been in a very good mood since they entered this city unlike the one city he just went in a rampage in the bar they were in drinking a few days ago.

Well... except for Delirious, no matter which country or city is, most people in Fordalt sees Undead as diseases and need to be eradicated, their reputation is even worse than Goblins. The more they learn about the topic, the more Delirious felt wants to be isolated from any society thinking about many people with pitchforks and torches trying to kill him.

Thinking about it made him shivered.


After three hours of dealing something in the Inn like learning more about the city, secondly went outside eating lunch, then lastly asking around which direction is the nearest Adventurer's Guild.

With how big is Orazvil is, the one who owned the city created eight Adventurer's Guild in each city district.

With how big is Orazvil is, the one who owned the city created eight Adventurer's Guild in each city district

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