Chapter 14: Barrow Village 2/2

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The view shifts to a shot of a man in brown clothing seemingly running for his life as the view switches to what above him. There in the blue light sky the body of one of the bandits being flung upwards in a slow motion view.

The scene then shifts to another bandit, this one looks handsome than all of the bandits present, with a face of a charm prince which shows his brown hair and eyebrows, green eyes and the expression of shock plastered on his face.

The view shifts again to a shot of the bandits around the village, a shot of a surprised villagers and a shot of some of the children; all with the same expression on their faces.

The man in brown clothing before looked back and saw the Bandit that chasing him was flung upwards. Then a very long metal arm could be seen, then the view changes back to the good bandit looking bandit was confused on what it is happening.

Then the scene of a bandit that was flung upwards crashing down near the villager in brown clothing before. What they all saw was Xavier, the Iron Golem that Basically created and named by Delirious. The Iron Golem then move out of the forest, shown its first appearance to the world. The sight gave a slight fear to the bandits and the villagers.

The Iron Golem steps forward making metal clinging noises everytime it moves, it slightly looks at one of the bandits which his holding a captive village girl, which triggers the Iron Golem. The bandit that held the girl notice the Iron Golem's gaze at him, out of fear, he let go of the girl and slowly moves backward and was about to run away.

But the Iron Golem won't let that happen, with a very insane speed, the Iron Golem dashed and was already in front of the bandit startling him.

The Iron beast raises its long metal arm and instantly punch the bandit hard enough to launch him towards the forest in bullet speed. With how weak is the bandit was, it didn't took him long to die by getting impact by the trees.

The Bandit corpse drops to the floor from the broken tree it made impact. The Iron Golem turns towards one bandit with blonde hair that seems to be the vice-leader of the group. The blonde Bandit whimpers in absolute fear as he stares at the metal beast.

Random Bandit: DIE GOLEM!!

One Bandit charges forward with a sword in hand and attacks the Iron Golem from behind in all of his strength but the moment his sword makes contact with its metal skin, it shatters on impact.

Random Bandit: What?!

The Bandit exclaims, then the Iron Golem turns around and slam using both of its arms sending the Bandit flying very high above the ground(Like in the game usually).

Another Bandit near the Iron Golem tries to run but the Iron Golem makes chase and crush the bandit to the ground.

The Bandit with the good looking one that seems to be the leader of the group watch as the his men getting killed by the strong golem one by one, as he watch he notice it ignores the villagers like they weren't there, he now realized what was going on.

Bandit Leader: It's only targeting us!

Random Bandit 1: Gods help us all!

Random Bandit 2: We're doomed!

The two random bandits yelled as they too realize their fate with the golem.

Bandit Leader: You Idiots! Hurry up and take down that golem!

The view shifts to the blonde bandit as he was about to unsheathed his sword.

Blonde Bandit: This can't be happening, I'm not here to die in this ridiculous place!

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