Chapter 42: Backstabber

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(Calica Plains, 4km West from Kalren City)

10,000 feet in the sky, a large Airship took place, the view shifts to the western walls of the city in the distance, hundreds of monsters and beast appeared from the northern side, means that if the battle continues, the city will have an inevitable siege.

Guildmaster Zenro, and other 500 Adventurers look at the ground below seeing hundreds of monsters headed towards the entrance.

The Guildmaster crack his knuckles before he face towards the Adventurers.

Guildmaster: We gotta go now, people! It is not too late!

Random Adventurer 1: Wait, are we gonna jump?

Guildmaster: What? No, there are hundreds of beast down there, that will be suicide.

Hearing his words, most of the adventurers sign in relief.

But except for some people.

Nogla: Oh come on you bunch of pussies, don't be too soft on me now, guys, this will be fun!

Man: Fun? Its more like stupid instead of being a brave, you little wank.

The same guy that provoke Nogla said.

Vanoss: Hey! Nobody has to make fun of our friend but me, fucking baldy!

Man: Oh, you think you can mess with me? I'm higher rank than you, beastmen!

Guildmaster: Oi oi oi, who said we should fight here?

Man: Nobody, Guildmaster.

Guildmaster: Right, you too, buddy. Better behave yourself or else I will yeet you off the ship.

Vanoss: Alright :)

Meanwhile, Terroriser and Wildcat were at the edge of the decks looking at the horde of beast about to attack the defenders of the city.

Terroriser is currently scanning the battle with his advance cybernetic eyes. The numbers of the monsters were about 800 at the west but hundreds more were coming from the north. It appears the city's defenders on the west is not enough to defend themselves for long with those numbers.

After finishing scanning the battle, he turns his head towards his pig friend, Tyler.

Terroriser: So your saying Evan puts 7 skills on all of us? What is mine exactly?

Listening his Irishman friend, Tyler just shrugged.

Wildcat: Something about armor or something what Evan said, don't know.

Terroriser: Well, I have to find out myself then.

Wildcat: What? Gonna jump off the ship?

Terroriser: Probably.

Wildcat: Don't be arrogant, Brian. There are like over hundreds of these monster, you know its kinda suicide if you actually did that ¦D

By the time Tyler open his eyes, he lost sign of Terroriser. He looked around before looking below.

Terroriser(Distance): I'll be back, Tyler! Don't worryyy.........

Wildcat: Brian, you fucker... Guildmaster!

Guildmaster: Yeah?

Wildcat: Umm yeah my friend... he jumped.

Guildmaster: What?

Looking every people in the ship's decks, he notice the weird black clothing guy wasn't present. But then he now realize the pig beastmen's words were right, he look back at Wildcat with his eyes widened and shouted.

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