Chapter 178: His True Power

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The moment I remember when I woke up for the very first time...

I was a Butterfly

…And I died as soon as I woke up because I got eaten by a frog.

Then I was a frog in my next life.

And in that life, I died because I got eaten by a rattlesnake.

In my next life, I became a rattlesnake.

'At the very least, I will be able to eat a frog.' I thought…

…Before an anaconda ate me.

The next moment, I was born as an anaconda in my next life.

'I'll eat all the snakes available!' 

And I was able to evolve into a strong monster species, by the help of a strange energy force known as mana.

But, not long after, I was hunted by a group of humans and brutally killed by them just to let them get what they called 'XPs'... whatever the fuck that means.

And, in my next life, I was born a human.

And gotta be honest, it is better than living as an animal.

Throughout my existence, I lived countless lives, experienced countless deaths, have families, and lived through countless lives as anything such as a woman, an elf, a monster, a hero, a king, an emperor, a demon king, and many, many more.

Only I was able to reincarnate with all my existing memories. However, after living through maybe hundreds, if not thousands, or probably millions of lives throughout my existence, there is a day that changed my life forever.

And it is the fact that literally, I was universally hunted down by all higher races in the multiverse.

I don't know why they hunted me down, but knowing the existence of soul-destroying skills, I have to kill myself if I was defeated, before they even lay a hand on me.


No matter which world I was born into, they managed to find me and kill me. Even if I achieve immortality and universal level power, I've always been defeated by the Protectors, also known as the Strongest Warriors of the Higher World.

For a very long time, I ran from worlds to worlds, trying to avoid being hunted down by the hands of these races.


'God's mistake.'

'Why were you ever created? What purpose do you serve to the creations of the Great Almighty?'

Wherever he went, he would repeatedly hear the same words being thrown at him. Listening to the same insults over and over again, at one point he started to question himself.

'Why does the world reject my existence?' That was when the first question arose.

Why did the world seem to reject his very existence to the core? What wrong did he ever commit? He had only been trying to live a life and survive.

Even living through hundreds of more lives, having family, experiencing wars, battles, and survive, nothing changed. At some point, everything he does, he had already gotten used this and gets boring. 

It was from that moment that he realized something.

He was alone.

All of his family, friends, and everyone he knew from all those worlds he was born and had known throughout his existence had already been long gone, leaving him alone.

The only moment he had of his loved ones was the memories, reminding him of his times with his many different parents, wives, children, grandchildren, and many more of his descendants

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