Chapter 99: Return

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In a very slow motion view, at the moment the Rocket met the Reactor core, an explosion rang out. Accompanying the sound was a small ripple that began to spread all over the facility.

[Thank you..........]

The voice of the being whispered, thanking Vanoss for ending its hundreds of years of eternal suffering. At that moment, his soul and his prescence disappears, no knowing if he can continue reincarnated in the mext hundreds of years or died in piece.

As the ripple spread, all forms of noises began to stop, as countless eyes directed themselves towards Vanoss.


Not long after, a subtle cracking sound rang out. Evan lowering his head, terrifying energy enveloped the area around him, making it hard for him to breathe.

Vanoss: Hueeek!

A strange noise escaped from his mouth as he tried his best to breathe. Unfortunately for him, the more time passed, the more difficult it became for him to breathe.

The pressure that suffocating Vanoss came from the core, the pressure he was feeling was too terrifying.

Taking a deep breath, Vanoss slowly started circulating the mana inside of his body. More specifically, towards the ring on his hand.

The ring was something that he had gotten from White.

The Ring Evan was wearing is a type of ring whose use was solely for traveling in and out within the Facility. It allows the wearer to travel instantaneously anywhere within the confines of the necropolis except a few specific areas. Additionally, it is also capable of instantly changing its size to fit its user's finger size.

However, the only places where this ring could not teleport its wearer was to Restriction areas and the various members’ personal rooms. Since the Organization was awarded to block teleportation magic into or within itself, the ring is very handy and useful under certain circumstances.

The only flaw of the ring was that while it allowed its user to teleport freely within this place, it could only teleport straight to the rooms that were either marked as important or special in this facility . This was not the case with rooms that had been deemed as "normal" from the start and thus one could not teleport straight to them.

So in case, Vanoss had the ring to teleport anywhere in the facility, or more specifically the portal area. The room that he had been to previously.

It was because of the ring in his hand that he did not worry about the aftermath of destroying the Reactor core. As long as Vanoss had it, he could quickly escape from a dire situation.

Vanoss(Thoughts): Come on, hurry up!

Even then, it required some time to activate.

Channeling his mana and staring at the ring on his finger, he prayed that it worked faster. Time was tight, and he knew that right now, his life was hanging by the thread.

If in the next seconds the ring did not work, then everything would be over.

???: No! Don't you dare!

Suddenly, a thunderous roar that shook the building reverberated. Startled, Vanoss looked towards the distance.

For a split second, hisnheart stopped, and hisneyes blacked out.

His breathing, which was already rough, became harder. With his hands on his face, as Vanoss lifted his head and stared into the distance, the first thing hebsaw was a pair of cold and chilling eyes that looked back at him with unprecedented bloodlust.

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