Chapter 54: Midnight Madness

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(Somewhere in the forest, 10km from Team 6's Commune, 12:01 A.M

Somewhere in the depths of the forest near the Minecraft island, a lone butler walk through the forest, from the order of his old friend Emperor, Sebastian, the Emperor's right hand man and the Empire's former Great General was instructed to scout the certain location somewhere in the Kingdom of Goldrose. After reporting to their intelligence about the confirmation of the place his and the Republic's scouts discovered, his next steps would be to travel and learn what is the place was while their target is sleeping without realizing it. Just as he was about to catch up to the two faction's scouts, something caught his eyes, halting his steps.

It was as if something had sliced itself across the air, living behind a thin line that gradually split into a gap, where the two end corner of the gap was held tight by two purple energy.

Approaching the gap with concern, Sebastian observed it and now realize who it was.

Sebastian: I know it was you, Zabrina.

After he said that, a young woman with purple long hair stepped out of the gap with a cheerful smile. Her beautiful and stunning figure stood in contrast to the darkness of the abyssal gap.

 Her beautiful and stunning figure stood in contrast to the darkness of the abyssal gap

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Zabrina Manarazzo, one of the Republic's elite member of their 14 Military Corps.

Zabrina: Ara, if it isn't Sebastian-kun. I see you are my partner in this mission.

She asked with a seductively smils. But Sebastian just ignores it as he very knew well about her character.

Sebastian: I don't have time for your games, Zabrina. The two country's scouts were dealing in there, don't mess around you got that?

Zabrina: Yeah yeah.

Minutes has passed, as they were about to enter 1km from the Commune, they heard someone panting, running towards them, which immediately putting both of the subjects on guard.

As it reveal himself, it is a cloak man showing his black skin, several scars in his face and giving the two with a fear expression.

Zabrina: Oh, Charlotte, long time no see ^.^

Sebastian: What happened? Where are your other men? Where are the Shadow's Creed Corps?

Charlotte: Dead. Everyone are all dead. I thought they said this place has nothing in there!

Hearing what he said, Sebastian called that outrageous, killed 30 highly trained men? They were a unit of 30 expert of practitioners and mages, 19 <C+> ranks, 9 mid to late B-ranks, and 2 mid-stage A-ranks. Killing that many with only 7 of them is not possible.

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