Chapter 17: Killing The Boss

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Back to our two favorite animal humanoid retards, after the Necromancer or Magic summoner Delilah summons a <B> rank Monster known as the Wither Boss, which Vanoss and Wildcat knew what it was already.

It's already been 30 minutes after their start of the battle.

The entire area was riddled with craters, flames, debris, and withered parts that the Wither did from nearby trees and the ground, some trying to hit its summoner but Delilah casted a high tier magic barrier to protect herself with it.

Right now, the two animal humanoid retards finally used their elytras in a sky battle against the Wither, if on the ground, they will already be dead.

People will shook in fear when facing against the Wither but Vanoss and Wildcat somehow didn't, of course they didn't see a real life Wither but they got a feeling that they got used to it.

However, while they seem to be very calm, that doesn't mean the battle was easy, unlike in the game, the Wither in front of them is huge, has a healing factor that wasn't part of it in the game and arrows and bullets has a hard time piercing through its hard skin, except for very large calibres and powerful missiles.

Right now the two were currently shooting the Wither with Miniguns with armor piercing explosive rounds and Rocket Launchers with Anti-tank rockets while dodging the Wither's three skulls which in the game only shoots one skull. The weapon they were using has a bit effect on the Wither which it screeches in pain.

Wildcat: Over here you big numb skull! Hold on, let me take that back. I meant to say numb SKULLS!

The Wither screeched in anger started to fire at Vanoss and Wildcat. The two friends dodged the incoming barrage of withered skulls fast as missiles by flying away with their elytra wings.

Vanoss: Oh, come on! You can do better than that! I've seen Snow Golems do more damage than you!

If they said they are very confident on beating the Wither, that would be a lie, because this isn't the same Wither they knew, there is some difference with this one compare to the game; First is the height, that Wither was about 2 stories tall, second it could shoot three withered skulls and it is fast as a missile, they are very lucky they could able to dodge those, and finally it has a healing factor, everytime they try to damage it, it heals, so instead of bullets they used missiles and Armor-peircing explosive rounds at it and prevent it from regenerating again, that's why the battle took 30 minutes.

Hearing this, Wildcat followed Evan's taunt with more Armor Piercing Explosive rounds at the Wither with two of his Arctic .50 Rifles, most of it hits the Wither in the process. The Wither screeched again, its completely focus on Vanoss and Wildcat. It fired another barrage of withered skulls, like Missiles it flew the air and headed towards their way, but they evaded it by flying further away.

Wildcat: Come and get us, you dumb ass piece of shit! Skeleton archers have better aim than you!

Tyler continued to yell and taunt the powerful undead mob.

The Wither responded with a bellowing screech, clearly getting more pissed with Vanoss and Wildcat by the minute. Vanoss and Wildcat starting to fly around the giant Wither, trying to confuse the monster.

Vanoss: Take this you three headed freak!

Pulling the trigger, Vanoss shot the PG-7VR 105 mm rocket with tandeam HEAT warhead, earth's most powerful anti-tank rocket, using a Anti-Tank-Cluster-Homing-Hybrid-Rocket.

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