Chapter 11: First Human Contact

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As the Holy Knights continue fighting against the Sky Pirates, they seem to be fine but each time, more Sky Pirates reinforcements arrives, if this keeps up, they will definitely loose for sure, as Knight Commander Alden fighting against the super Minotaur while protecting his sister. While this was happening, Terroriser and Nogla were watching from a cloud, several hundred of feet from the battle.

Nogla: Sooo...wanna help them?

Terroriser: Hmmm... they seem to be fine but maybe we should.

Nogla: Okay I'll take the Minotaur and you'll take these bastards over there.

Terroriser: Well, I have no objections.

Nogla: Alright! Finally we could kick some asses!


Back to the Royal Airship, as the battle continues, when suddenly Knight Commander Alden came out of the wooden floor of thr ship's decks, surprising both Holy Knights and Sky Pirates by the sudden appearance.

Alden was knocked upward, as he falls, he made a safe landed on the floor with slight injuries, in front of him was the same Minotaur that he fought as he jumped out of the hole and went outside once again.

Minotaur: Not bad for someone who is rank lower than me, I am impressed.

The Minotaur said as he gave out a smirk, his remaining right arm held his large axe tightly as he was about to strike.

Alden: So were you...

He smiled back.

As the two were about to engaged at each other, all of the sudden something or someone intervened their battle.

Terroriser: Oh, hey guys! What are you doing in this lovely day?

Brian said in a british accent as he and Nogla appears suddenly and spoke to everyone in the airship present like they were some sort of friends.

Sky Pirate 22: What's with those brats?

One of them said.

Commander Alden stared at the mysterious duos for a while. He and the Minotaur stop fighting because of their sudden appearance. What made all of them surprised was what they were wearing.

Enchanted Diamond armors.

Diamond armors are the third most expensive and most durable armors in Fordalt and are kinda rare to achieve one. They also mistaken the two as some high rank knights that made the Sky Pirates panic while made the Holy Knights cheered.

Sky Pirate 55: Everyone kill them!

Around 80% of all of the Sky Pirates leave their opponents and began to attack the two as they all bradishes their sword and start running towards the two duos while enemy mages readying their magic. A magic circle appears in front of the two and emitting fire.

Nogla: Ohh! Is that magic? Wonderful!

Terroriser: Nogla, focus, go help to that red-headed knight to face that bull guy.

Nogla: Roger that!

Nogla said with a salute and ran off while Terroriser is the only person to faced against 90-100 Sky Pirates.

Terroriser then check something in his inventory. A screen appears and he choses something until he choses his most favorite. He knew well most of thr Sky Pirates is strong and fast but instead of using a melee weapon, he'll use the one that suits for this situation. After a short moment, he decided.

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