First Customer

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Since we got back from Okinawa, Daniel has had his mind set on helping Mr Miyagi reach his dream of running a bonsai store. I'm surprised he still has money at this point. However, I'm less surprised that he's willing to blow his college tuition for a second time to help Mr Miyagi once again. Sometimes there's just no saying no to Daniel, especially when he has your best interests at heart.

I've been helping out as much as I can to get the space prepared for business. It's a real work in progress but it'll all be worth it once this place gets up an running. Mr Miyagi's Little Trees. You can tell Daniel came up with that name. I guess Mr Miyagi loves him so much he's gonna keep it.

Our progress isn't going quite as smooth as we hoped. A few goons keep bursting in, trashing up the place and demanding that Daniel sign up for the All-Valley again to defend his title. They won't take no for an answer and their violence upon us isn't helping their case to get Danny to agree. Even though we need to finish fixing up the place, we already have plenty of bonsai trees on hand. As I help Daniel bring in the last of the stock, Mr Miyagi seems to be looking over some paperwork. Daniel walks over to him to help him out as I place down the final beautiful bonsai tree.

"Hey, how much are you planning on selling these for?" I ask - not necessarily pointing the question at anyone specific.

"Uh, I think we're gonna do 35 for the ones we just brought in." Daniel responds.

"35?" I ask for clarification, gaining a hum of confirmation from Daniel. I dig my hand into my pocket to fish out my wallet. I grab 35 dollars and walk to them. I tap Mr Miyagi on the shoulder and hold out the money as he turns around. "Here you go."

"What for?" He asks with a look of confusion as he doesn't take the money from my hand.

"I wanna buy one of the little trees." I smile as I reference the name of the unopened store - making both boys smile, though Mr Miyagi's is brief before he responds.

"No. You get free for work." He rejects the money politely as he gently lowers my hand.

"Aw, come on, Mr Miyagi. Seriously, take the money. I'll be your first customer." I insist.

"Not a bad first customer, huh, Mr Miyagi?" Daniel tries to help me convince him.

"What do you say?" I smirk slightly as I hold the money out again.

Mr Miyagi doesn't say anything. However, he reluctantly takes the money out of my hand. He bows to me in thanks - I bow to him in return out of respect. The smile on his face is so sweet, so sincere, so pure. This is his dream and it's slowly becoming a reality. I know I speak for all three of us when I say that I'm glad and grateful that we are all in this together.

"Hey, where'd you get the money anyway?" Daniel asks as we get back to work.

"My birthday. I haven't found anything I want to spend it on."


"Hey, I'm gonna go chase that Jessica chick up about the pots." I announce.

"Tell her I said hi."

"Sure thing. Oh, and dinner's on me tonight!" I call out before leaving.

After today, I have high hopes for the future. We can do this because we can do anything when we work together. Plus I can take my own bonsai home at the end of the day.

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