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Things have been kind of rough for Sensei Lawrence lately. He's been under a lot of pressure and he's been working really hard to keep his shit together. For the past few weeks, I've been thinking about a way that we could help him - maybe treat him to something to show our appreciation. Once I had a vague idea of what to do, I started talking to Miguel and his mother about it. Carmen suggested talking to the LaRussos about organising stuff or at least helping with the money.

At first, I felt bad about asking them. However, Carmen spoke to Mrs LaRussso for me. She invited us over for dinner so we could discuss my idea. She loved it - even Mr LaRusso thought it was a good idea. They helped with the money and now all I have to do is surprise Sensei Lawrence.

Luckily, I stayed at Miguel's place for the night. I know that this probably isn't going to be as easy as it should be. After a quick breakfast, I grab the gift and put it in my pocket before I make my way across the hall. With a deep breath, I knock on the door.

"Oh, hey. What're you doing here?" He asks, clearly surprised that I'm not a Diaz.

"I stayed at Miguel's place last night."

"Really? I stayed over and didn't see you."



"Can I come in?"

"I guess." He says as he let's me in. I sit down as he follows closely. "When I said I didn't see you, I meant I had to talk to Miguel's mom last night." He clarifies as he sits down.

"Oh, gross." I turn my head in disgust as I realise what he actually meant. I think I just threw up in my mouth.

"It wasn't like that-"

"Let's just not." I interrupt him. "Now that I'm severely grossed out, I wanna get out of here as fast as I can."

"Dramatic but, come on, spit it out."

"I know things haven't been easy over the last few months and I speak for both dojos when I say that we really appreciate how hard you've been working to get us ready for the All-Valley. So, I talked to the LaRussos about an idea I had, and they pitched in to get these." I explain as I reach into my pocket. "To say thank you." I smile as I hand a small red box to him.

"Thanks, kid. Concert tickets?" He questions as he opens the box.

"Well, it's more affordable than a vintage car or something."

"Halestorm and The Pretty Reckless. Who the hell are these losers?"

"They're not losers. They're hard rock and metal bands that are both fronted by women."

"You just wanted me to go to some of girl crap."

"No, I know you'll love them. Did you not hear what genre I said they are? Did you ever watch the Grinch?"

"The what?"

"Of course you didn't. Forget it. I'll educate you on all the music and everything you need to know. I'm doing a nice thing here."

"Fine, but if they're bullshit, I'm not going." So ungrateful.

"Fine, I'm going no matter what. But, you will like them."

"Are they hot at least?"



"You can't just say that. I'll write their names down and a bunch of stuff for you to do as homework."

I spend the next month or so prepping him for the show. As I suspected, he loves them. There's been multiple occasions where he's labelled the leading ladies as badass - rightfully so.  This is gonna be the best concert of his life.

Throughout the night, the both of us are belting out the lyrics with the crowd. Plenty of photos have been taken and are going to be shared on social media. I'll have to explain tagging to him so he can see everything. Some dude spilled beer on me and Sensei Lawrence threatened some guy who got handsy with me. There's even a moment where Lzzy Hale is talking to the audience and mistakes Johnny for my dad.

After what is probably the best night of my life, we slowly make our way back to the car. That's probably the worst part of concerts - trying to get home. Once, I didn't get home until 3am because of traffic and diversions. As the car finally starts moving faster than 5mph, both of us are still buzzing.

"That was awesome!" He exclaims.

"I know, right? They owned the stage - Taylor and Lzzy."

"Hell yeah they did." He laughs. "Hate to say it, but you were right, kid."

"Told you so."

"Punk." He roles his eyes at my amusment. "Thanks for getting tickets."

"No problem. I had fun. Not just tonight either. Watching you turn into some kind of fanboy was great."

"Those are some badass chicks."

As much as I loved tonight, I could do without the post-show depression.

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