Meeting Kumiko

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For as long as I can remember, my dad would tell us stories about when he was our age. Mr Miyagi is in every single one of them. Even though they only went to Okinawa together once, the tales are endless. I feel like I know that girl he fell in love with from how much he's spoken of her. Same goes for the guy who tried to kill him. I've always admired how my dad risked his life to safe that little girl as everyone hid for safety.

Decades later he finally went back to Okinawa after trying to save the company. He came back in time for the All Valley but we still lost. He's working on a plan and told me to lead today's training because of it. Taking on the responsibility, I've been leading the Miyagi-Dos for the last half an hour. Finally, dad walks in with a guest.

"Guys, I want to introduce you to someone very special to me and Mr Miyagi." He announces as we all fall in to listen. "This is Kumiko."

"The girl you met in Okinawa in the 80s?"

"The one and only." He confirms with a smile.

"We are old friends." Kumiko speaks up before introducing herself properly.

With the introduction out of the way, we continue training. Meanwhile, Kumiko gets a tour. Wanting to display memories of Mr Miyagi, my dad makes us demonstrate - which is why he calls on me and Sam.

"Y/N, show me drum technique." Knowing why he chose this specific technique I smile and oblige.

"Very good." Kumiko beams whilst realising that we're the daughters.

Suddenly, another man wanders into the dojo - a friend of my dad's. He mentions a rocky history and a rivalry before revealing a name. Chozen. I know that name. That's it! Remembering the tale I race towards him ready to fight.

"You're the psycho who tried to kill my dad?" I yell.


"Yes. A long time ago." Chozen agrees causing me to initiate a fight. Almost immediately, everything goes wrong.

"What the hell? I can't feel my limbs! Dad, help!" He just watches it unfold. "He's gonna kill me!" Chozen chuckles as he gets closer and squeezes my nose.

"Honk!" The others just stare in confusion.

"What the fuck, man?" I shout after being helped up.

"Hey, language." My dad scolds me.

They explain what happened on the trip and how they are allies instead of enemies. Considering our guests, everyone is sent home early. Dad and Chozen also leave because apparently something came up. Instead of going with the others, I stay with the intention of talking to Mr Miyagi. Realising I left my water outside, I head to get it and get slightly startled to see Kumiko still here.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, I thought you went with them." I slowly walk towards her. "I'm Y/N. You probably knew that though." I laugh awkwardly out of nerves.

"I am Kumiko. You probably knew that." She continues smiling to try and make me feel better.

"It's awesome to meet you. Dad always talks about his trip to okinawa. Not as much as he talks about Mr Miyagi." I ramble as we take a seat in the sun. "Either way, after years of hearing the stories, it's nice to finally put a face to the name. You're just as beautiful as he described you."

"Thank you. Your father has told me great deal about you too. You are also very pretty."

"What was he like when you met him?"

"Very handsome. Very brave. He was kind and passionate. It was like a dream. Daniel-San was different but welcome. My life changed for better after meeting him. He's a good man. Honourable."

"Hearing the stories as a kid made me look at him like a god. I guess he was just a kid who was unafraid to do the right thing."

"You remind me of him very much."

"Really?" I look hopeful.

"Yes." She nods. "You share his passion and loyalty. However, that means you share his hot-headedness." She references how I stormed at Chozen. "We all have flaws, though it is not black and white. Anger with passion can come from a place of good intentions." She explains.

"You're very wise, Kumiko."

"Ah, well, I have lived a long life."

"Must be why you have a way with words." I compliment her making her chuckle softly.

"You also have your father's charm."

Kumiko and I sit and chat for a long time. It's impossible to be bored when you talk to her. Upon hearing more stories about Mr Miyagi and Okinawa, I decide to show her the Okinawa inspired things and relics. Her face lights up with each thing. However, nothing seems to make her happier than the picture of Mr Miyagi.

As we both look at the photo, I happily tell her about how my dad blew all his money on helping Mr Miyagi open a bonsai store.

"Sounds like him." She laughs as she fondly recalls his tendencies. "I would love to have a bonsai tree back in Okinawa to feel connected with your family and Miyagi-San. They hold happy memories. I've desired one for a long time, though they are rare."

"That's no problem. My dad sells bonsais to help with car sales. I'm positive he'd give you one for free."

"I couldn't."

"I insist. I know he will too."

"Just like your father." She gives in.

Turns out Kumiko and Chozen are staying with us for a little while. We head home and prepare for dinner. Obviously my dad agreed to giving up a bonsai. I'm still weary of Chozen but if dad and Kumiko trust him then he can't be as bad as he once was. I must learn forgiveness - we have bigger problems.

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