Unlikely Friends

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Season 5 spoilers ahead...

As a friend of the LaRussos, I've spent plenty of time at their house. My mother died when I was 3 which meant it was just me and my dad. He struggled to raise me and pay bills when he couldn't keep a job. Thankfully, Mr LaRusso gave him a job after years of struggling and I quickly became friends with Sam and Anthony. Those previous years put a massive strain on my dad which meant he went down a bad path - so I spent more time at the LaRusso house. Unfortunately, that caused an early death a couple of months ago. I've been living with the LaRussos ever since.

Both myself and my father were thankful that we didn't have to pay for karate - it gave me a distraction in hard times without being taxing on our financial situation. Of course, that means I'm part of the karate war. It's gone so far that Daniel flew out an old enemy turned ally from Okinawa. I haven't really spoken to him in the short time he's been here and I'm pretty sure he doesn't know I live here. He probably just thinks I was having a sleepover with Sam.

I woke up late today and realised that everyone else would most likely be gone. However, much to my surprise, I'm not alone. Upon walking into the living room with the intention of watching a movie, I'm slightly startled when I see Chozen invested in a reality show.

"Oh, hi." His attention is snapped away from the screen. "Sorry, I thought everyone was out."

"I did not know you were still here."

"I woke up late. And, uh, I kinda live here - even though I'm not a LaRusso." I nervously laugh as I awkwardly stand a few feet away from the couch.

"Oh?" He looks at me with curiosity.

"Uh, my dad died a couple months ago and I don't have a mom - so, the LaRussos took me in because they've been friends for years." I quickly explain whilst staying in the same place.

"I am sorry for your loss. Please, sit." He gestures to the empty space next to him.

"Thanks." I sit beside him.

"I did not grow up with my parents either." He attempts to relate to me and make me less on edge.

"You didn't?" He shakes his head slightly.

"No, I was raised by my Uncle, Sato."

"The guy who had a rivalry with Mr Miyagi?" I recall my knowledge of the Okinawa trip.

"You know of Sato?" He seems shocked.

"Daniel's told us all the stories." I shrug. "Must be kinda weird being here considering your history with Daniel."

"A little. But Daniel-San was forgiving as I was shameful. Our rivalry remains in the past." He shares some insight.

"You don't seem like a killer to me." This could go either way.


"No. Not that I'm questioning your skill or honour or anything because I'm not." I ramble to try and save myself from conflict. "You just don't seem like that kind of guy."

"Good." I sigh with relief. "I do not wish to be the person I was back then."

"Well, as far as I'm concerned, you're not." We both smile at each other.

Chozen and I turn our attention back to the TV and quickly become way too invested in what's on the screen. Upon hearing that he's never seen Stranger Things, I immediately switch to Netflix to begin the binge again. Fast forward to the middle of the season and Chozen is loving it. Unfortunately, our viewing time is cut short by Daniel and Amanda walking in.

"Are you guys watching Stranger Things?" Daniel is visibly confused.

"Ha, yes. Very good show." Chozen chuckles as he stands to face them.

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