Ali With An I

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Ever since Daniel moved here from Newark, we've been inseparable. I already knew Ali, Johnny and all his friends. I lived a few apartments down from Daniel and helped him move in, so when I saw him at the beach that night, I stuck with him. That also meant Ali and I trying to pry him and Johnny away from each other. I always found myself playing the referee with them. Somehow, I was friends with both of them, but I was always closer to Daniel.

That was back in the 80s. But 3 decades later, Daniel can't seem to get rid of me. We lost contact with everyone other than each other over the years. Then Johnny opened Cobra Kai again and it was like nothing ever changed.

Tonight is the Encino Hills Country Club Christmas party. The thought that Daniel and I are now members feels so bizarre. As per usual, I'm joining Dan and Amanda. In the early stage of their relationship, she was a little concerned by how close we were. Luckily, it didn't take too long for her to see I wasn't a threat in that department. In fact, we're super close now too.

"Y/N, help me with the drinks." Daniel orders as Amanda walks off.

I agree to help and follow him to the bar. We greet him with warm smiles before Daniel places our order.

"Are you sure it was a good idea to leave Sam alone with everything going on?" I question as we wait for the drinks.

"She's at home - it's perfectly safe. She'll be fine."

"I don't trust it, Danny. We had parties at my place all the time when my parents were out for the night. She's a teenager. Teenagers don't tell their parents shit."

"Well it sounds like you know something I don't."

"I know a lot of things you don't know." I try to deflect the question.

"Spill it."

"Sam and Miguel are trying to bring the dojos together so they can team up against Cobra Kai. Sam invited them over because we're here." I sigh and give in.

"Why did she tell you and not me?"

"I'm the cool aunt, I know everything."

As I finish my explanation, our drinks are placed before us. However, before we can pick them up and go find Amanda, our conversation gets interrupted.

"Daniel with an L." We turn around to see who it is and immediately become overwhelmed with nostalgia.

"Ali with an I." I smile as Daniel stands speechless.

"Hi, Y/N." She greets me as she hugs me first.

"You look amazing." I compliment.

"Thank you. So do you."

"It's so good to see you. You look incredible." Daniel finally speaks and hugs her.

"I was hoping I'd run into you. And I'm not surprised you and Y/N are still attached at the hip."

"This is so surreal. I just have so many questions." Daniel says in disbelief.

"Hey! Watch it. I'm wearing white." We hear a distressed Johnny behind us. How did he even get in?

"You guys remember Johnny Lawrence." Clearly Johnny hasn't told her anything.

Daniel and Johnny instantly revert to making snide comments at each other. Ali quickly realised that this isn't the first time we've seen each other since high school. With this realisation, Amanda suddenly appears wondering if we got lost.

"Ali, this is my wife Amanda." I introduce them.

"N-No. Don't listen to a word she says." Daniel chuckles. "Amanda is my wife."

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