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My dad dropped the bombshell that he's chaperoning the Halloween dance at school. Probably because he doesn't trust Sam. Honestly, I question how we're related sometimes because of how different we are. Before I found out that dad was gonna be there, I wasn't really thinking about going - though I debated going with some friends. I hadn't even picked a costume because I thought I'd stay. However, dad's appearance sparked an idea.

A couple days ago, I pitched my idea to Demetri and Eli in hopes the could help me to construct a costume last minute. Given that Eli is a design wiz, I thought that him and Demetri would be good help in making it work. Even though they were confused at first, they went along with it like good friends. When I found out about Miguel's costume, I took it as a sign that this is the perfect idea.

Dad finds every opportunity to tell us about the 80s and Mr Miyagi - and he has pictures to go along with every story. There was a Halloween party in 84 that he didn't want to go to. Mr Miyagi managed to convince him to go. He wanted to be the invisible man so that nobody would see him. So, Mr Miyagi made a shower costume - odd yet perfect. I've heard the story of that night so many times from making the costume to being saved by Mr Miyagi after Johnny Lawrence and the Cobra Kais chased him and tried to beat him up.

When I said that he has a photo for every story, I meant it. In one of the many scrapbooks, there's a picture that's framed by bonsai trees around them. The photo is Mr Miyagi and dad in the shower costume before the party. Whilst dad was at work, I stole the photo and took it to Eli's house so we could get everything just like in the photo.

Today is the day of the dance. In my humble opinion, I'd say we did an amazing job of recreating this shower costume. In return, I offered to do their makeup. Eli isn't wearing any and Demetri's was easy. However, Miguel is a whole project. Dad doesn't know I'm coming - he thinks I'm at a friend's house - that makes it that much better. Technically, I was at a friend's house getting ready. Now, we're just outside. People are making comments about my costume, but I don't care.

"I can't go in with you guys, well Miguel. It'll be too obvious." I tell them.

"You're dressed as a shower. You stand out more than any of us." Demetri comments.

"I know what I mean. Just go in, I'll find you guys later." I nudge them forward and watch as they disappear into the building.

I wait outside for a little bit to make everything seem ordinary on the inside for a little bit longer. Part of me wants to turn around and head home because high school kids are cruel and will probably never let me live this down. On the other hand, this is personal and I'm not the only person who put work into making this costume. Just as I'm about to walk in, I get a call.

"Hey, mom."

"Y/N, where are you? I called Eli's mother to see what time she needed you to come home and she told me that you weren't there."

"I was there but she wasn't at the time."

"Where are you?"

"Promise you won't tell dad?"

"Yes, I promise. Are you in trouble?"

"No, no. You know the story of the 1984 Halloween party?"

"Everyone knows that story. Your dad tells literally everyone - even customers. I don't know how we still have business."

"Demetri and Eli helped me recreate dad's shower costume. I wanted to surprise him."

"That's awesome, but you should've told me."

"I know, I'm sorry."

"He's gonna love it. Go have fun. Love you, sweetie."

"Love you too."

I hang up and put my phone in my pocket before taking a deep breath and walking into the party. Although I stick out like a sore thumb, I want him to figure it out for himself. So, I head over to the snack table. As I approach the table, I'm greeted by one of my oldest friends.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Hey, Aisha. Nice sodium costume."

"Thanks. It was meant to be a joint costume with Sam. We were supposed to be sodium chloride but she didn't want to do it."

"Yeah, she seems to care more about her popularity than her real friends lately. I would've done it with you, but I wasn't planning on coming until a couple days ago when I had an idea."

"It's fine. There's always next year. That's an interesting costume. Why a shower?"

"The whole Halloween of 1984 story."

"Oh, right. I knew it seemed familiar."

"Yeah, dad's chaperoning tonight - probably because he doesn't trust Sam. He doesn't know I'm here - I wanted to surprise him."

"That's cool, it looks pretty good."

"Thanks, I had help from Demetri and Eli."

I continue to talk to Aisha for a few more minutes and almost forget why I came. However, a sudden voice quickly reminds me.

"Excuse me, I think this shower forgot what decade it is." I instantly grin like a fool and turn around.

"Hi, dad." I giggle.

"What're you doing here? I thought you were hanging out with Demetri and Eli." He smiles in disbelief.

"Surprise! They're here somewhere. They actually helped put this together."

"Honey, this is amazing. It's perfect. It looks just like the one Mr Miyagi made."

"That's what I was going for." I beam and I dig the photo out of my pocket. "Had to steal this though." I hand it to him.

"You just made my day." He says before looking down at the photo and smiling at the memory. "You know, since we're bringing back the past, what do you say we recreate this picture?"


As he ushers me to one of the photo walls, I glance over at Miguel and mouth 'now'. When we get there, we get into the same positions as the photo. Luckily, some people have brought different cameras as well as the paid photographer. I'm definitely keeping the Polaroid for my room - dad can get another physical copy for his scrapbook. After taking photos on phones, professional cameras and finally the Polaroid, dad looks down at the physical image and smiles.

"Some things never change, huh?" I say as I see just how happy he is.

"No they don't. For better," he starts as he looks up. "Or worse." He gets spooked as Miguel walks past.

"Definitely for better." I act like I don't notice.

"I'm getting flashbacks here. You didn't try to take someone's partner or douse them with a hose, did you?" I break as soon as he mentions his past antics.

"That's my friend, Miguel. He's pretty new here. He told me he was gonna be a skeleton so I told him the story and did his face paint." I explain.

"You're an evil mastermind, kid. Mr Miyagi would be proud. I know I am." I just smile back at him. "Go have fun. I'll find you when it's time to go. But if you leave early, let me know."

"Will do."

I put the Polaroid in my pocket and rush over to the guys to thank them again for helping me sort this out. I look back over at my dad and smile as I see him texting who is probably mom and looking at a digital version of the photo. This is the best night of my life - one I'll never forget. Now that's a core memory.

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