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This was requested by NOTscrappy. I haven't paid much attention to the franchise since the last season came out, so hopefully this will be alright.

Lately, I've not been myself. Something has just felt off and that gnawing feeling has been slowly growing. I have no idea what is wrong with me - but I do know that I'm really sick. I'm the kind of person who refuses to go to a doctor or take painkillers out of pure spite and stubbornness. My dad is Johnny Lawrence for christ sake - what did you expect?

Whilst this unknown and secretive illness has been eating away at me, I've found myself snapping at Robby and Miguel, my boyfriend, a lot. It would be happening with everyone else a lot more if I wasn't constantly with at least one of them. I feel kind of bad for giving them as much grief as I do - but as a Lawrence, I can't bring myself to apologise. It's a hard thing to do in this family.

I can tell that they're growing tired of the mistreatment. I don't blame them. My better judgement has been clouded by pain and a sickly feeling that is only getting stronger. I just can't stop myself. Even now as they come to confront me, I can't stop the snide comments.

"So cool that dumb and dumber decided to team up - but can you piss off? Door's that way." I point to it as I stand in front of the pair in my apartment.

"See, this is what we're talking about!" Miguel gets even more irritated.

"Yeah, you can't keep treating us like dirt on the bottom of your shoe!" Robby doubles down.

"I mean, this kind of thing is expected with siblings." Miguel glances and gestures at Robby. "But I'm your boyfriend." I'm starting to feel even more like I'm gonna be sick.

"Exactly. Why do you insist on being a bitch all of a sudden? Is there something going on with you and Cobra Kai?"

"Do-Do you wanna break up? Is that it?" Miguel can barely stutter out the words without tearing up. This has gone way too far.

"What? No! Guys, I don't-"

As I try to plead my cases, I'm interrupted by months ill-health becoming known to more than just myself. Mid-sentence, I suddenly projectile vomit across the floor in front of me - making the boys jump back and verbally express their disgust before they show concern.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" Miguel asks as they come back to me.

"Do I look li-" Not again. Miguel has to dodge as I'm facing his direction when more stomach acid flies across the room.

"I'll call dad." Robby goes to leave the apartment with his phone in hand.

"No!" I protest.


"He's busy and this would become a shit show." I finally manage to get a full sentence out... Before I throw up again - how is there so much coming up?

I fall to my knees, feeling dizzy and weak with a burning sensation in my throat, a pit in my stomach and a pounding headache. Miguel crouches down and rubs my back to comfort me as Robby runs over with a trash can.

"Little late for that, don't you think?" Miguel looks up at him.

"Just a precaution. She could blow any time." He shrugs and sits on the other side of me.

"Can you get me some water?" I ask weakly. Miguel gets up to do so and Robby takes over rubbing my back.

As I sip on the cold drink, they comment on how the colour has drained from my face. With the spike of chaos calming down, Miguel helps me to my room so I can change out of my puke covered clothes - taking them from the narrow gap in the door to throw them in the washing machine. Meanwhile, Robby starts cleaning the spectacular mess on the floor.

With everything cleaned up, I sit in bed as Miguel sits beside me and Robby sits at the foot of the bed - both questioning me.

"Where the hell did that come from?" Robby asks.

"I've been feeling like shit for like 3 months."

"What? Why didn't you say anything?" Miguel appears shocked.

"Because there's so much going on right now. The karate war, you guys reconciling, other shit. I didn't wanna add to the madness."

"You gotta say something next time."

"I probably know the answer to this already..." Robby starts. "But have you been taking medication or gone to see a doctor? 3 months is a long time and that was a lot of puke for not having eaten for a few days."

"Of course I haven't."

"Y/N!" Miguel's told me not to do this before.

"I know, I know. Can we stop the interrogation? That fiasco took all my energy - I need a nap."

"Fine. But I'm going to the store to get some stuff to make dinner for the 3 later. I'm also making you take some medication when I come back with it. Okay?" Robby states.

"Fine." I sigh.

"I'll hold you down if I have to." Miguel adds.

"Okay, I get it."

Robby grabs his wallet and heads out. Wanting to stay with me, Miguel climbs into the bed and lets me cuddle into him so I fall asleep faster. I know I should start saying when stuff is going on, but I probably won't. This family is pretty stuck in it's ways. Still, I'm thankful to have these guys to look after me when I feel like the human embodiment of death.

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