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"Robert Swayze Keene!" I howled as I discovered Robby's full name.

"I'm guessing I don't need to tell you who Patrick Swayze is then." Robby laughed at my amusement.

"Are you kidding? I love Patrick Swayze." I claimed whilst still laughing.

"Yeah, so did my mom."

"Clearly." I smirked as I handed it back to him.

"What?" He flashed a nervous smile while I stared.

"You do realise that I'm only ever calling you Swayze now, right?"

"Why am I not surprised?"

Robby clearly didn't realise how much of a mistake it would be to tell me this information. On that day, I vowed to call him Swayze forever - and I haven't once slipped up. There's just been so many times where it's been too good. For example: when I came home early and walked in on him watching Dirty Dancing in my bedroom.

Another time was when we were doing The Outsiders in English (before they kicked him out). We had already watched the film before we started on it in class. That's what made it even better. When we were reading the book, I volunteered Robby to read Darry's lines. He knew exactly why and nobody questioned it. Every time he had a line, he would glare at me while I tried to contain my laughter.

One year, we were with Sam trying to figure out what to be for Halloween. Sam (who didn't know about the whole Swayze thing yet) was running out of ideas and suggested being ghosts. I instantly let out a single loud laugh. Sam was so confused, and a little scared, but Robby knew exactly what was going on.

There was one time I was talking to Demetri about random 80s and 90s movies. Patrick Swayze ended up becoming the topic. During a conversation about Point Break, Robby just happened to walk in. As soon as he realised what we were talking about, he walked straight out.

We went shopping once and the store started playing She's Like the Wind over the PA system. I started singing it and he tried to run away but I followed him and sung the whole thing.

Moon had invited a few of us over for a movie night. She had found a movie with drag queens as the main characters. That was basically all she told us because she hadn't seen it. We had already watched a few things, so we just went along with it. I'll never forget the title because of how long it is. To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar. A ridiculous title. As soon as I saw Patrick Swayze as a drag queen, I lost it. I kept saying that we should put Robby in drag to annoy him. Moon sided with me, saying how he'd look great in a dress. I doubt it'll ever happen, but a girl can dream.

Prom is tonight. It's really not my kind of thing. Robby isn't even a student anymore, so I was gonna bail. The only reason I'm going is because Yasmine told me that she's flying in to surprise Demetri and I don't want Eli to be alone all night.

"Cheer up, boys. Can't sulk about not having dates." I say whilst standing between them as I sling an arm around each of their shoulders.

When we walk in together, we say hi to a few people before finding a small table to congregate at by the corner. Only a few people truly appreciate Demetri's awesome Pac Man suit. As the night goes on, we don't really move too far from the table. Eventually, Yasmine turns up and immediately takes all of Demetri's attention. In no time at all, they leave me and Eli at the table.

"At least his night got better." Eli shrugs.

I then look over to the dance floor to see a couple taking the whole floor by storm. I didn't think this was Tory's thing - or that she'd get that close to someone without punching them. Oh my god, it's Robby. How the hell did he get in? Holy shit, they're literally dirty dancing. This is great - a few photos and videos will now cement this moment forever.

"I'll be back in a minute." I say as Tory leaves Robby alone.


I don't take my eyes off him as I walk over to him. He's minding his own business as I stand right behind him and say:

"Really living up to the name aren't you, Swayze?"

"Oh, god." He cringes as he turns to realise what I saw. "What're you doing here? You hate things like this."

"I'm being a good friend. What're you doing here? You're not even a student anymore."


"You know what, I don't want to know whatever evil shit you guys are planning."

"Hey, it's just strategy."

"Whatever. Just don't be a dick." I warn him as I begin to walk away.

"Fuck you." He calls after me jokingly.

Without looking back at him, I stick my middle finger up at him as I head back to the table. Among the music, I can still hear him laughing. Walking over to the table I notice that Demetri is still gone. Eli looks miserable.

"What's the matter?" I ask him sympathetically when I get back to my original spot.

"I don't know why I came." He sighs. "I thought it'd just be us hanging out. I guess I'm just bummed because now Demetri's having fun with his girlfriend and I've been here all night."

"Yeah, I get it. Look, I'll be honest. I knew Yas was coming back to surprise Demetri. I only came so you wouldn't be alone."


"Yep." I smile.

"You didn't have to come. Everyone knows you hate these things. I'm more surprised you're wearing a dress. You look really good by the way."

"Thank you. I'm surprised I actually liked the dress. Besides, if I didn't come, I'd be at home doing nothing."

"So, are we just gonna stay here all night?"

"Why? You want to dance or something?" I chuckle to lighten the mood.

"That'd be a disaster."

"True. Wanna blow this whole thing off? Go watch a movie or something?" I suggest.

"Wanna throw popcorn at people at the drive-in?"

"Deal." I nod and hold my arm out. He links his arm with mine and we make our way to the exit. "Good thing you didn't want to dance. Swayze over there knows I saw him dirty dancing with Tory and I don't need him to see my shitty moves." I laugh.

Time to go ruin some people's night to make ours better. I'm sure Demetri won't notice that we've left.

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