Storming The Dojo

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Things have gotten way out of hand. The fued has gone too far. Nowhere is safe anymore. It's a karate war at full strength. Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang have merged - or at least we're trying to - so we can take down Cobra Kai. At school, some parts of it have been minimalised. Everything else is relentless. There's no rules or morals with them. They broke into my house, fought us and destroyed everything.

Without telling a soul, I took it upon myself to come down to their dojo. Since it's after hours, I knew the only person who would be here would be their sensei. However, my mindless raging soon turned sour. Now I'm leaving with a bloody nose. With blood on my face and hand, I walk only a few feet before running into an ally.

"LaRusso? What the hell happened to you?" It's Johnny.

"Your buddy Kreese." I say before wiping my bloody nose on my sleeve.


"Yeah. Guy's a psycho."

Johnny quickly storms past me and bursts into the dojo. I stand frozen for a moment, not really knowing what to do. I then go back to the dojo and peek through the gap in the door to see what is unfolding.

"Leave the LaRusso girl alone!" Johnny says in a threatening tone as he takes a step closer to the enemy.

"Johnny Lawrence caring for a LaRusso? You've gone soft. Weak. Pathetic." Kreese hisses.

The snide comments go back and forth. Next thing I know, a fight breaks out between the two grown men. I back away from the door again and go to where I previously ran into Johnny. I instantly pull my phone from my pocket and call the only person who would know what to do.

"Dad! You have to get to the Cobra Kai dojo before someone gets killed!" I blurt out in a panic.

"What? Killed?"

"Just hurry!"

"Hang on, I'll be right there! Stay hidden if you can."

My dad hangs up before I can, so I put my phone back in my pocket and get ready to wait here until he gets here. Suddenly, I hear glass smashing and turn to see Johnny getting kicked through the window. I jump back and gasp as he lands. My heart is racing and there's no time to think. I might end up regretting this but here I go. As Johnny lays on the ground, I don't hesitate to jump in front of him in a fighting stance.

"Don't try to play the hero, Miss LaRusso. You're out of your depth here."

"You really think I give a shit?"

"Stay out of this, LaRusso. You're gonna get hurt." Johnny warns me as he tries and fails to get up.

In stubborn LaRusso fashion, I completely ignore him. I swing at the old man and he immediately fights back. It's hard to get a hit on him, though he gets a couple on me. Suddenly, he kicks me through the broken window. Before I can hit the ground, someone grabs my arm and pulls me back into the action so I kick Kreese before I land on my feet again.

I glance to my right to see Johnny back on his feet and back in the fight. We give each other slight smirks before teaming up to fight Kreese. It's as if we are perfectly in sync with each attack. Even with our combined strength, he puts up a good fight. However, yelling breaks it up.

"Hey! Keep your damn hands off my daughter!"

"You're a little late for that." I say as I turn around to reveal by bloodstained face.

"You rat bastard! Y/N, go wait in the car." My dad rages as he sees what Kreese has done and steps through the broken window.

"What? No, dad, I'm not going anywhere."

"Listen to your dad, kid." Johnny sides with him.

"Not happening."

Knowing that I won't change my mind, my dad and Johnny try to make some kind of compromise. In the end, they agree to enforce a no fighting rule before the tournament. As we go to leave, I turn around to face Kreese.

"Oh, one more thing." I say, making all the adults look at me as I suddenly sweep Kreese's leg. "Beat you at your own game, old man." I smirk.

As the three of us walk back to the car, my dad puts an arm around me and Johnny rubs my back. They praise me and ask if I'm alright. On the drive home, we explain what happened. Mom is gonna be pissed, but dad says she'll be proud of how I helped Johnny. There's been a fire lit under me. Bring on the tournament.

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