Broken Arm

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Today Sam and I are hanging out and studying at her house. Her family has always been really kind to me, so it's like a second home. As much as I hate studying and school in general, I'm glad to me getting some time away from training since Mr LaRusso is in Okinawa for business. Right now, we're taking a break and hanging out in the kitchen. Whilst I look for something in the fridge, Sam's phone goes off.

"Who's that?" I ask as I close the door to the fridge.

"Uh, Chris." She responds.

"What does he want? Oh, is he asking about his physics book? He left it at my house the other day - I forgot to tell him."

"What? No."

"Oh..." I freeze for a second. "What does he want then?"

"We have to go." She states before rushing to the door.

"Why, what happened?" I question but she ignores me and grabs my car keys. "Hey, those are my keys! What are you doing, Sam? Sam, what happened?" I call out as I follow her.

"Drive." She instructs as she sits in the passenger seat.

"Drive where?"

"To get the others. Start with Demetri."

Now that I finally know where to go, Sam vaguely explains the situation - promising to properly explain when everyone is here. As she does so, she texts the group chat to tell everyone to be ready when we get there. With everyone now piled into my car, Sam finally explains the situation and what we have to do. Those Cobra Kai assholes - Chris was just trying to do his job.

"Okay, but you gotta pay me back for parking, Sam. It's stupidly priced."

"Fine, whatever."

Together, we march into the building in search of our friend. When we find him, we basically don't stop walking as he joins us and tells us where they went. The old laser tag place. When we get there, we immediately see Hawk and a couple of his goons.

"Can't just leave us alone until the tournament, can you?" I bite.

"Sorry, princess. Just having some fun." My ex, Hawk, smirks.

"Oh, that's it!" God, I hate him so much right now.

We all split up to fight someone. At first, it seems we have the upper hand because of our numbers, however, more of them appear.

"Sam LaRusso!" Of course, why wouldn't Tory be here?

Welcome to the next unofficial round of the karate war. Each person gets hits in as we all spread out - at this point, I can't see most of them because of the turns. Even though I put up a good fight, a single mistake gets me knocked to the ground - the guy instantly runs away. I groan as I slowly get back up. When I turn the corner, I see Demetri on the ground as Hawk holds his arm in the air with the Cobras cheering him on. Where the hell are the Miyagi-Dos?

"Eli, please! It's me!" Demetri pleads.

"Eli, don't do it!" I shout.

"Finish him!" I guess Tory thinks she's in Mortal Kombat.

"Shut up!"

"Little bitch!" She hisses and runs towards me.

"How creative!"

I instantly run to where I just got bested. As she turns the corner, I stick my leg out and trip her up. Despite my skill and ability to get hits on her, she's a Cobra Kai. They only know how to play dirty. It doesn't take long until my head hits the floor.

Fuck, I'm in so much pain - I'm not entirely sure that she was just punching and kicking. My vision is slightly blurred as I watch her walk away. It takes longer than before for me to get to my feet. Before I can even sit up, I bring my hand to my lip only to realise I'm bleeding. Great. As I slowly stand up, I suddenly hear a pained scream. I run back to where everyone was to find everyone gone - except for Demetri, who lays on the ground and yells in agony.

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