Introduction Gone Wrong

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I wish I could back out of this. It's not too late, is it? Oh, of course it is. Just over a month ago, I gained a new friend - Samantha LaRusso. She stood up for me when Kyler was being a dick - aka his usual self. We started hanging out a lot more. Sam and her karate friends have been nothing but nice to me. That's why I want to back out of our plans. Sam invited me over to have dinner with her family - meaning that some questions are inevitable.

I've never told Sam, or anyone, about my family. If they found out, I fear I'd go back to being on my own. There's history between our families and I can't help but think that she'd treat me differently if she found out.

Her family has money unlike mine, so I have nothing remotely formal to wear. Luckily, Sam said nobody will care if I wear regular clothes because it's not a business meeting. I decide just to wear some regular jeans, trainers, my dad's old Guns N' Roses tour shirt and his red flannel. I want to make a good impression, so I turn up early. As I knock on the door, I prepare for a nerve-wracking night.

"Who're you?" Some kid asks as he opens the door.

"Y/N. Sam's friend."

"Sam!" He yells. "Don't break anything. My dad knows karate - he can kill you." He warns me and quickly walks away, leaving me alone as I wait.

"Hey, Y/N. Sorry about that. My parents aren't home just yet, but come on in." She ushers me into the living room and shuts the door behind me.

"Thanks. Was that your brother?"

"Yeah. His name is Anthony."

"Don't take this the wrong way..." This is probably a mistake but I can't stop now. "But he's kind of an asshole."

"Don't worry, you're not the first person to say that."

We sit and watch TV for around another 15 minutes or so before the front door opens again. I'm guessing it's her parents.

"Sam, we're home!" Her dad shouts before realising how close we are.

"Mom, dad, this is my friend, Y/N." Sam introduces me as they close the door.

"Hi, I'm Daniel. Nice to meet you." Her dad shakes my hand as I smile nervously.

"I'm Amanda. Good to meet you, Y/N."

"Good to meet you too. Thank you for having me."

We let them settle in as they've just come home from work. As Mrs LaRusso leaves the room, Anthony walks through with his eyes glued to his iPad.

"That's my son, Anthony. You probably won't get much out of him." Mr LaRusso tells me as Anthony leaves again.

"Yeah, I've already run into him."

"Oh, no. What did he do?" He asks as he notices my tone.

"Just what most kids do these days."

"What did he say?"

"Something like 'my dad knows karate and can kill you'." I recall.

"Oh my - I am so sorry. Please just ignore everything he says."

"Don't worry about it, Mr LaRusso. I've heard much worse."

"He's not above good manners, despite what he thinks. And please, call me Daniel."

A little while later, we all sit at the dining table for dinner. Daniel explains that it's some kind of expensive fish from Okinawa or something. I don't really eat fish, but it'd be rude to turn it down. What's wrong with a classic burger?

"So, Y/N, tell us about your family." Daniel smiles as we begin eating.

"That's a, uh, that's a tricky one." I let out a nervous laugh.

"Oh, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to." He reassures me.

"No, no, it's fine. I just have to figure out the best way to explain."

"If you need help with anything, I'm sure we can try help you out." Amanda says and looks at Daniel.

"It's fine, really. I just don't tell people about them that's all. My dad wasn't really there much. I mean he was a little more for me than my brother for some reason. My brother hates me and him because of it. My mom tries but it's not been great. Honestly, I think she should go to rehab or something, but I don't know what would happen to me and my brother if she did. I feel like we'd be put in some home or something."

"That sounds awful, I'm so sorry." Amanda sympathises.

"Well, we have a spare room if you ever want or need a place to stay." Daniel offers.

"That's really kind, but I don't want to bother you."

"You wouldn't be. I'd help you settle in." Sam smiles.

As we continue eating, the adults briefly talk about work and scold Anthony for trying to play video games during dinner. I finally feel somewhat relaxed. We've all almost finished our meal when Daniel notices my clothing.

"I love your shirt by the way, Y/N. It's like a blast from my past."

"Thank you. It's my dad's. So is the flannel."

"I swear Johnny Lawrence used to wear that exact same combination of shirts back in 84." He laughs as he looks at Amanda before turning back to me. "It's like you've raided his closet or something." I quickly look down and my fidgeting hands as anxiety shoots up. "Wait, you're not Johnny's kid, are you?" His smile fades.

"Yeah, I am." I reluctantly reply, not wanting to look back at him.

"I can't believe this! Johnny Lawrence's kid in my house!" He shouts.


"Daniel!" Sam and Amanda scold him.

"Sam, how could you?"

"It's not her fault." I interrupted him. "I didn't tell her." I slowly stand up and push my chair under the table. "I'm sorry. I, uh, I should go. Thank you for dinner, it was some of the best food I've ever eaten. I'll see you at school, Sam."

With my anxiety now through the roof, I quickly run out of the door. It's pitch black outside, so trying to find my way home is gonna be a challenge. Suddenly, Mr LaRusso runs after me calling my name.

"Y/N!" I stop and turn to face him as he tries to catch his breath. "Hey, I'm so sorry for the way I acted. It was extremely rude and uncalled for. The tension between me and your dad shouldn't come between you and Sam. You seem like a good kid. If you're up for it, would you want to join us for dessert?" He sounds sincere in his apology.

I take a moment to answer, but ultimately forgive him and accept his offer. We make our way back into the house and quickly apologise to everyone. All of us then head into their back yard and sit by the illuminated pool to enjoy dessert. The food is delicious, but this isn't the introduction I was hoping for. Hopefully, things will get better with time.

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