Golf N' Stuff

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When Johnny asked me out, I didn't believe it. I thought he'd still be hung up on Ali. He's taking me to Golf N' Stuff. Johnny told me that it's a great spot for a first date. He also said that it's where he took Ali on their first date - that felt a little weird at first, but a lot of teenagers go there on dates.

"Here she comes, man." Bobby elbows Johnny as I walk towards them.

"She looks hot!" Tommy exclaims.

"Hey! Watch it!" Johnny warns him. "Hey babe."

"Hi guys." I chuckle at their stupidity.

"Hi, Y/N." The other boys greet me.

"What are you 2 doing here? This a double date or something?" I laugh.

"No. We, uh, we're just passing through." Bobby shrugs.

"Hey, Y/N, want a warm one?" Tommy grins as he pulls a can from his backpack.

"Who wants a warm beer, Tommy?" I question, making his smile fade slightly as he puts the can back in his bag.

"Beat it, alright? We got a date to go on." Johnny tries to get rid of them.

"Okay, man. See you tomorrow. Have fun." Bobby says as him and Tommy climb on their bikes and rev up the engines.

"Not too much fun!" Tommy howls as they begin to ride away.

"Get outta here!" Johnny yells playfully.

"Bye, Y/N!" They call back.

"Some interesting friends you got there, huh?" I giggle.

"Couple of airheads."

"Oh, come on, Johnny. You'd be lost without 'em."

"Yeah, whatever." He mumbles as he sits back on his bike. "Hop on."

"You want me to ride on that thing?"

"What, you scared?" He laughs softly.

"I've never been on one before."

"Just hold onto me real tight." He smirks. "I'll keep you safe."

"My hero." I roll my eyes jokingly and smile as I sit behind him.

Like he said, I lean into him and wrap my arms around him. My grip tightens as he quickly speeds off. I let out a shriek at the sudden movement, making us both laugh like idiots. Eventually, we pull up among the many cars. Somehow, I'm still giggling as Johnny helps me off the bike.

"Still scared?"

"I gotta get me one of these."

"Maybe I'll get you one."

"Bold statement for a first date."

"A super hot babe needs a bitchin' ride." He shrugs.

"You have such a way with words, Johnny Lawrence." I scoff.

"I'm serious. I'll teach you how to ride it." He offers as he pulls me closer so our faces are inches apart.

"Oh, yeah? When?"

"Second date?"

"Gotta see how this one goes first." I smirk. "So what are we doing first? Golf or stuff?"

"Hmm, stuff. We can top off the night with crazy golf."

"Deal." I smile before grabbing his hand and sprinting away.

"Y/N, slow down. It ain't going anywhere."

We enter the building hand in hand and scan the room. A lot of the arcade games are being used as it's pretty busy. The first thing we do is head over to the basketball machines. I get a couple of decent throws in, but Johnny is way better.

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