Enemy's Daughter

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I really don't get the Valley's sudden surge in fascination for karate. I also don't get why my family has to play such a huge role in it. My dad doesn't really want me going out alone anymore - especially since I never wanted to take karate and he never pressured me to do so. Don't get me wrong, I respect the Miyagi-Do style of karate - and the memories I have with Mr Miyagi are great - I just never really wanted to get mixed up in the karate war.

Despite my dad not wanting me to leave alone, here I am, walking down the street by myself. It's already getting pretty dark, so I start the long walk home. I have my headphones on to escape the world as I walk. With the music as loud as it is, I almost forget about everything going on around me. When I look up, I see a group of karate assholes.

"Oh, shit." I mumble as I put my headphones down around my neck. They spot me pretty quickly, so I turn around and start running.

"Where you going LaRusso?" One of them yells as they begin to chase me.

As I run through the streets, I do my best to dodge everyone in my way. Unfortunately, I accidentally bump into some guy, meaning they can catch up with me.

"Hey, watch it!"

"Sorry!" I shout an apology as I keep running. I only get a few steps further before I'm trapped.

"Got you!" Kyler laughs as they surround me.

"Come on guys." I barely spit out the words before they shove me against the wall - making let out a pained groan. At least my headphones are alright.

"Stupid to walk out here alone." Brucks comments.

"Ready for a beat down, money bags?" Kyler asks with a sinister grin.

Before I can give him a sarcastic response, I get hit hard in the stomach. The hit makes me double over in extreme pain. They get a couple of kicks in and essentially sweep my legs from under me. Now balled up on the ground, a man yelling stops them so I get a break from being attacked.

"Hey! Leave her alone!"

"What're you gonna do about it, grandpa?"

Clutching my stomach, I look up to see a blonde man with fire in his eyes. As he swings at Kyler, I realise that it's the guy I ran into. Man, this guy is insane. He beats the shit out of them. Luckily, there aren't any cops around - he'd be behind bars so fast if they were. With a final kick, all of them lay on the floor moaning and groaning. The man walks over to me and puts a hand out before pulling me up.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, thanks. Was that karate?" I ask being fairly confident in the answer.


"Why is it always karate?" I mumble. "Thanks again for that. Oh, and sorry about running into you earlier. I was trying to get away from them."

"Don't mention it." He says as we both begin walking in the same direction.

"Why did you help me anyway?" I don't know why I ask but it's too late now.

"Only pussies chase and start beating up a girl. Besides, 5 on 1 is an unfair fight." I guess he's right - though he did just take them on alone.

"Well, I'm Y/N. Y/N LaRusso." I introduce myself even though he doesn't seem to care about anything I say.

"LaRusso?" He stops in his tracks and looks at me. "Great. Just had to be a LaRusso." He huffs before storming off.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I question with offense as I start following him.

"Your dad's an asshole."

"Excuse me?" My eyes widen.

"Didn't he teach you any of that Miyagi crap?"

"Hey, don't disrespect Mr Miyagi!"

"Yeah, you're a LaRusso alright."

"The hell is your problem, man? You don't even know us."

"I wish I didn't know your dad. He ruined my life."

"Ruined your life? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Johnny Lawrence." He answers as he stops and turns to me.

"You're Johnny Lawrence? The Johnny Lawrence?"


"The Johnny Lawrence who terrorised my dad when he moved to Reseda and pushed him and his bike down a cliff?"

"What? It wasn't a cliff, it was a hill."

"Well, he said it was a cliff."

"He's a liar."

"How dare you? You targeted him for no reason."

"He tried to steal my girl."

"He didn't even know you. Besides, you and Ali hadn't even spoken in weeks."

"Oh, so you think you know everything about me, don't you?"

As we continue to bicker, it's hard to tell if we're getting louder with every comment or not. Suddenly, we get interrupted by my worried father.

"Y/N, what are you doing out here alone - especially so late?" He asks before he sees his rival. "And why are you with him?"

"Hey, I just saved her ass. You should be thanking me." Johnny bites before I can answer.

"What? Y/N, what's he talking about?"

"A group of kids from school chased me and started beating me up until he fought them all off."

"How the tables have turned." He scoffs. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, dad, I'm fine."

"You're welcome." Johnny sarcastically interrupts.

"I already thanked you. That was before you found out I'm a LaRusso and started being a dick by disrespecting us and Mr Miyagi."

"Some things never change with you, do they, Johnny?"

"Wait, dad, how did you know where I was?"

"I tracked your phone." He reluctantly answers.

"What?" I say with some shock.

"Clearly doesn't trust you."

"Stay out if it." I snap, knowing he would only track my phone because he's worried about everything going on.

"Look, thank you for helping Y/N, but this doesn't change anything."

"If I knew who she was, I wouldn't have helped."

"Oh, shut up, you petty old bastard!" I hiss.

"Language." My dad scolds me.

My dad ushers me to the car to finally get me home in one piece. As we start driving away, he makes me tell him exactly what happened - he even asks multiple times if he needs to take me to the hospital. The worst I'll end up with is some bruising on my stomach. Either way, I should probably take on karate.

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