Not Ready

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Ever since that huge karate fight broke out, I haven't been able to set foot in that school. Just the thought of going back there makes me shut down. Even though I didn't kick Miguel over the balcony, I can't help but feel guilty. I haven't left the house since I got home that day - not even to go in my back yard. I've barely talked to my friends and I haven't had anyone come round. It's been so long.

For the first time since the incident, I'm finally getting out of the house. I would go to the LaRusso house to talk to my original sensei for his Miyagi wisdom - he's probably working or trying to look after Sam. There's only one other place I can think of to go. However, when I get there and knock on the door, there is no reply. Before leaving, I decide to check the door for no real reason. Despite no answer, the door is unlocked. So, I decide to let myself in.

"Sensei?" I let my presence be known as I close the door and walk into the room.

Still, there is no answer. Strange. Why would he leave his door unlocked if he isn't even here? I guess I'll just hang out here until he gets back. I sit and stare at the wall in silence for about 10 minutes before I hear the door open. Sensei Lawrence walks into the apartment and heads straight to the fridge - he clearly hasn't noticed I'm here.

"Hi." I say, making him jump out of his skin and bang his head on the inside of the fridge.

"Jesus! How the hell did you get in here?"

"The door was unlocked. The better question is why did you not lock the door before you left?" I try to shift the topic away from my reason for visiting for a little longer.

"I was only over at Miguel's place with his mom."

"Yeah, I don't wanna know what you guys were doing."

"What? No. We weren't-" He struggles to find the right words before I quickly interrupt him.

"Whatever. I don't care. None of my business."

"What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" He questions as he takes a Coors Banquet from the fridge and offers me some orange juice from the same place.

"I can't go back there." I say lowly as I accept the drink.

"Why not?"

"Because of what happened to Miguel. Every time I close my eyes, I see him falling. I can't be there without feeling like I'm suffocating."

"It wasn't your fault."

"But I could've stopped it."

"Robby kicked him. You didn't do anything wrong."

"I was right there. I froze. I could've stopped Robby - helped Miguel. I could've stopped them."

"You can't blame yourself for what happened."

"Well, I do!" I snap. "Sorry."

"Look, Miguel's gonna be fine. He'll be in a wheelchair, but we're gonna get him back on his feet if it's the last thing we do. Even if he's being a pussy."

"I don't get it."


"Why did they let you see him? I mean, you're not family."

"They didn't." I raise an eyebrow. "You don't need to know what I did."

We talk for a little longer. I tell him that I'm quitting karate because of everything going on. He tries to convince me to stay and not be a pussy. The only way to shut him up is to say I'll think about it. Before he can say more about it, I decide to leave and head home.

As I walk home, I keep my hood up and my head down. When I hear the yells of Cobra Kai students in the distance, I run for the final stretch before I reach the door. By the time I walk into the room, I'm trying to catch my breath.

"Where the hell have you been? Why won't you answer your phone?" I jump out of my skin more than Johnny did as I see Demetri leap off the couch in my living room.

"Why and how are you in my house? Nobody else is here!" I fire back knowing my parents are at work.

"Your mom's kept the spare key in the hanging flower basket for years." He flashes the key before tossing it to me. "You should really think about increasing security given, you know, the karate war!"

"What're you doing here, 'Met?" I sigh and walk over to the couch - taking a seat as Demetri remains standing.

"Nobody's seen you since the fight and you started ghosting us on all forms of contact." He says in a calmer voice.

"Yeah, well, it's basically just you anyway." I mumble.

"Why haven't you been at school?"

"I just... I can't be there after what happened."

"Yeah, Sam seemed pretty spooked when she went back. She left almost as soon as she got there."

"Better than I can do. At least she showed up." I state as I get up and quickly head to the joining kitchen so he doesn't realise that I'm starting to tear up thinking about the situation. "I've left it so long that, if I did show up, everyone would be staring at me and whispering and making comments that I'm doing shit for attention or something."

"So what? Who cares what everyone else thinks?" He questions from behind the counter that divides the rooms as I place drinks for the both of us in front of him.

"I do."

"Well, you shouldn't. You're a karate badass - and my best friend."

"I thought Eli was your best friend."

"I can have 2 best friends. Besides, things aren't the best right now. That's not important. You're one of the best people we have. Like I said, you're a karate badass. Miyagi-Do needs you." He tries to be motivational.

"I'm not doing karate anymore, Demetri."


"I'm quitting karate."

"Why would you do that? I only joined a dojo because of you and Eli and it was the best thing I ever did."

"What good does it do? Look where it's gotten us. Sam has permanent scars, I can't even leave the house and Miguel's in the hospital. He's gonna be in a wheelchair when he gets out and he might never walk again."

"Y/N, it'll be okay. Nobody is expecting you to be fine straight away. You know we'd welcome you back whenever you're ready. It's the same with school."

"I'm just not ready to go back. I thought I was but I'm not. I say I'll go but the next thing I know, it's 3am and all I can think about is reasons to not go."

"You don't have to be ready. You also don't have to go through this alone. I'll help you get through it - we all will. You're my best friend - I'm here for you no matter what." He reassures me as I wipe a couple of stray tears away and walk back onto his side of the counter.

"Thanks, 'Met." I give him a small smile before he gives me a long and slightly awkward yet gentle and caring hug.

"Do you want to watch the Mighty Ducks trilogy?" He suggests.

"You want to watch a franchise about kids playing ice hockey? A literal sport." I question as I break the hug.

"If it will cheer you up for even a short period of time, then yes. You can consider me a hockey expert." He shrugs then nods, making me let out a soft chuckle.

We take our drinks over to the couch and order in some food. As Demetri orders it, I open Disney Plus and line up the first film. I'm gonna make him fall in love with it as I quote practically every line. It'll take a while, but I'll get back to school and maybe even Miyagi-Do. I have a new hope now. As long as I have Demetri to support me, I know I can do it.

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