Laser Tag

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Going to the drive-in refuses to be simple - but that goes for everything lately. Being a student of Cobra Kai means having a specific reputation. Thing is, I'm not like the others in the dojo. It seems like I'm the only person capable of maintaining a friendship with someone from Miyagi-Do. That in itself is a risky move. I've always felt like a bit of an outsider within Cobra Kai.

All of us decided to come to the drive-in to watch something called Bloodsport. Sensei Lawrence always talked about it - he's stuck in the 80s. Part way through the movie, I announce that I'm gonna go get a drink and ask if anyone wants anything. I might as well be invisible as no one answers. Without trying again, I exit the car and head to the concessions stand.

"Demetri." I greet my Miyagi-Do friend at the counter.


"Didn't think I'd see you here. You come with Eli or something?"

"The whole dojo actually. Us and Eagle Fang. Some kind of bonding thing I guess."

"Yeah, I'm here with the Cobras - not that they seemed to notice."

We briefly pause our conversation to order. Both of us get Dr Pepper and I pay for us both. He thanks me before we turn and start walking away.

"Why don't you switch dojos?"

"Switch dojos? That's not a great idea."

"Oh, come on. You're miserable at Cobra Kai and you know it." Demetri tries to convince me to leave.


"So, what's stopping you?"

"I guess I'm just scared that's all." I sigh. "Kreese is a mad man and he's making them bigger assholes than they already were."

"Can't disagree with you there. You haven't changed though."

"I don't know why."

"Because you're stronger than they are." He tells me as I take a sip of my drink. "I'm just looking out for you. If you join Miyagi-Do, you'll be with people who actually care for and respect you."

"You think they'd take me?" I say in a doubtful tone.

"Of course. Mr LaRusso sees the good in everyone - and you're plenty good. Trust me, he accepted Eli even after he trashed the dojo and stole Mr Miyagi's medal of honour."

"That was fucked up." I mumble whilst looking at my feet as we walk.

"Hey guys, can you believe that they have Mr Pibb and Dr Pepper?" I hear Demetri ask.

"Shit." I mutter as I look up to see Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do with Eagle Fang standing opposite each other.

"Not another rumble." Demetri finishes for me.

They all stare at us for a moment - clearly things got a little heated in the short time we were gone. In an attempt to catch us up, they (mainly Sam and Tory) start bitching at each other. If we're not careful, this could end badly. Suddenly, I have a good idea.

"Guys!" I shout to get their attention as I take a step forward - still beside the dojos. "Since we can't fight until the tournament, how about we go do some laser tag tomorrow after school? A good competition without breaking the no fighting rules?" I propose.

They all look at each other to find an answer without words. Eventually, they shrug and agree as scattered agreement accompanies.

Cut to the next day after school

As we all gear up, I can't help but think about what Demetri said last night. He wasn't wrong, these guys make me miserable. Unless we're in a fight, it's like I'm invisible to them. I don't want to be a Cobra Kai anymore.

Before I know it, the countdown begins. As the match starts, we split up. Some people pair off, but as per usual, I'm alone. Still thinking about my conversation with Demetri, I know I have to find him. As I turn the corner, I become face to face with the binary brothers.

"Wait, don't shoot!" I blurt out, though not loud enough for others to hear.

"You're the enemy." Eli states as he keeps his gun raised as he stands behind Demetri.

"Just listen." He keeps his weapon up as a precaution. "Demetri, you were right. I don't want to be in Cobra Kai anymore."

"She's trying to trick you." Eli doubts me.

"No, I'm not."

"She isn't. Stand down." Demetri instructs him. "What do we do? Right now, you're still against us in the game."

"Tell as many Miyagi-Dos and Eagle Fangs as you can. Make sure the Cobras don't hear. I'll sabotage them. I swear I won't kill any of your guys. Deal?"

"Deal." Demetri says as we do our handshake.


"Alright, deal."

I then retreat and act like nothing happened. As the game continues, I occasionally run into the people I should be aiming at. Each time, they lower their weapons and nod to indicate that we are on the same side. A while later, I peer around the corner to see Sam being taken out. Eventually, I really that Robby, Eli and I are the only people left. What I'm about to do is going to test how much Eli trusts me.

"Y/N, can you find him?" Robby asks as he runs up to me.

"Not yet." I lie with ease.

"We should stick together. They can't win in a 2 on 1."

I nod in agreement and start walking with him. My head darts around with paranoia as I try to spot Eli first. Suddenly, I see him behind us. My eyes widen as I raise a finger and signal for him to hide behind the corner and wait.

"Hey, Robby." I say as I stop, making him turn to face me.

"What?" He asks before I point my gun at him. "Y/N, what are you doing?"

"What I should've done a long time ago. I'm joining Miyagi-Do. You know everyone has a weakness. Yours is me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You've secretly wanted me to leave Cobra Kai for a while. You saw how it started changing everyone else and you don't want me to turn into them. I'm your weakness. You know how I know I'll walk away from this?"


"Because if you really didn't want me to go with them, you would've shot me already."


"Eli, now!" I call out as I move to the side.

Eli jumps out from around the corner and shoots Robby - eliminating him from the competition. I high-five him and smile - thanking him for trusting me.

"Awesome. Wait, the match isn't over. You're still technically one of them." Eli realises.

"Oh, yeah." I say before opening my arms. "Shoot me."


"Shoot me. You know you want to. Besides, if I shoot you, Cobra Kai wins."

I stand ready as Eli takes his shot. With the game over, Miyagi-Do wins. We all go to return our gear before celebrating. However, I'm confronted with anger before I can leave.

"What the hell was that, traitor?" Tory rages.

"I'm done with Cobra Kai. I told Robby that I'm joining Miyagi-Do. If he didn't want to me to leave, he would've taken me out."

"Fine, go with them. You never were Cobra Kai material."

"If that was the case, I never would've been accepted by Kreese."

"We never liked you. You were too much of a pussy."

"Whatever. We won, you didn't. See you at the tournament." I say before turning around to face Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang who are waiting by the door.

"We'll destroy you, bitch!" She yells as I walk away.

Now with actual friends, we make our way to the Miyagi-Do dojo to see if LaRusso will take me on and so I can begin my training. Either way, I'll be going into the tournament on the right side of the war.

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