Skills Competition

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We've been training endlessly for this moment. When we found out that they were adding a skills competition to the All-Valley, we had to try and figure out what to do. All of us were like excited kids as soon as weapons came into the picture. I think all of us are grateful that Eli wasn't assigned a weapon. Eventually, Mr LaRusso decided I would best suit a dagger. I think the selling point was him seeing me flip my hairbrush around when I'm bored. Plus I own drumsticks - though I don't own or know how to play drums - and do stick tricks whenever they're around. As the All-Valley has gotten closer, LaRusso has repeatedly told us to stay on routine because taking the risks could be dangerous and hinder us in terms of points.

"You got this, Demetri!" I join everyone in cheering as Demetri steps up as the first contestant to take part in the first ever skills competition.

We all watch on as Demetri flawlessly executes his routine. When he joins us again, we all high-five and fist bump as a congratulations. As he returns to his spot between myself and Mr LaRusso, the next contestant takes his place. Each dojo takes turns swapping out students. Up next is Eagle Fang with Miguel followed by Cobra Kai with Robby. I hate to say it, but they're crushing it.

"This is gonna be a tight competition. Just do your best, Sam. Take a deep breath, focus and remember the fundamentals." Mr LaRusso prepares Sam moments before she stands in front of the crowd.

"You can do it, Sam." I reassure her before she bows at her dad and does the rehearsed routine.

As the competition continues, everyone remains eager to have their time in the spotlight. Everyone is proving that they deserve to be here. Next is Eli. Breaking boards is his thing - he's got this. With each board broken, our hopes get higher. This final board is the most daring of them all. Here he goes. He jumps high and kicks his leg and kicks it. But wait. It didn't break. Shit.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't break it. I don't know what happened." Eli apologises in disgrace as he rejoins us - hanging his head down in shame. "I ruined our chances."

"I still haven't gone yet. Don't hog the blame just yet, man." I try to make light of it whilst also doubting everything.

"Hey, less of the negative talk." Mr LaRusso interrupts. "You'll be great and Eli you did well regardless of how it ended."

"Thanks." Eli mumbles.

We all continue to watch on as all of the other dojos send in their final contestants. I'm not so certain about our chances as I once was, though we're still high on the board - almost first. Time flies by and I can't turn back. Similar to Demetri starting the competition, I am the final person to have individual time on the mat.

"You've trained hard for this moment, Y/N. You can do this. Remember: deep breath, focus, remember the fundamentals and stay on routine. We can't risk anything."

"Yes, sensei." I nod before we bow to each other.

Although my nerves are through the roof, I hide them and appear confident as I take my place. As the announcer says my name, I bow at the audience and take a deep breath. It's now or never. I spin the dagger and pose like others before me. I toss the dagger to my eyeline so it rotates a few times before catching it with my other hand.

It's all going according to plan. However, all I can think about is how Cobra Kai is in first place. Extra pressure seems to pile on me. I'm the team's only hope at getting the lead in this part of the tournament. Do we even stand a chance?

Sensei LaRusso's voice echoes in my head. 'Stay on routine.' Is this routine gonna get me enough points to win it? I have to think of something and quick. Or should I do what he said and stick with it? I glance over at my sensei and see the expectations in his eyes. Fuck it. Here goes nothing.

I throw the dagger as high in the air as I can before doing a corkscrew flip. Gasps can be heard as I soar through the air with the weapon spinning above me. As if I had perfectly planned this stunt, I catch the dagger right as my feet touch the floor again. I then take a deep breath and bow again as the audience erupts with applause and cheering.

"What was that?" LaRusso questions as I rejoin them.

"Sorry. I just wanted us to have a fighting chance of shutting them down." My smile fades as I try to catch my breath.

"Well, I'd say you guaranteed that." He chuckles in disbelief that ignoring him worked.

"That was amazing!" Eli praises as the others make similar comments.

"How did you do that?" LaRusso asks seemingly stunned.

"Don't know. First time."

We all hug and hype each other up between competitions. This could be our tournament to win. While we wait for the main part of the tournament to get set up, I head over to the refreshment table for a drink.

"Y/N." I turn around when I hear Miguel say my name.

"Hey, good job out there."

"Thanks, you too."

"That last stunt you pulled was badass, L/N." Johnny compliments as he joins us.

"Yeah, that was so cool."

"Thanks. Never tried it before. Sensei wanted us to stay on routine, but who doesn't want some extra points, right?"

"Remind me not to piss you off." Johnny laughs.

"You'd kill us all."

Suddenly, the announcer calls out the first set of matches.

"Come on, kid. We better get to the mat before they disqualify you." Johnny puts a hand on his shoulder. "Kick ass out there, Y/N."

"Good luck." I smile at Miguel.

"You too."

I rejoin my dojo and hype up Demetri before his first match. We might actually win this. Let's do this!

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