First Day

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Going somewhere new is always nerve-wracking - sometimes exciting too. High school is not one of those times. My parents and I just moved here because of some job opportunity or something. I've never really had that many friends - and those I did have ended up being nothing but snakes. I'm definitely more on the nerdy side than the people around me. You can probably imagine how that has put me at a disadvantage socially.

Earlier today, before I could even get to first period chemistry, I had a run in with a few popular girls. A couple of them seemed nice yet were on the cusp of being cruel. Their leader, who I found out is called Yasmine, is pure evil. I'm guessing that bitch has the other girls wrapped around her finger.

All day. I have been dreading this moment all day. Lunch. In the past, I've had food thrown at me as I tried to walk to English - the buildings were connected, so you had to go through one to get to the other. That's pretty mild compared to some of the stuff that's happened during school hours. I ended up with some blood, not that much, dripping down the side of my head because of something that was thrown at me. That's a whole other story.

With food now in hand, I clutch onto the tray as if it were going to be taken from me. As I slowly make my way through the potential war zone, I scan the packed room for a place to sit. It seems like every table is full - some even overflowing. There is one table that's pretty empty though. The only people occupying it are a couple of boys. Since they don't seem intimidating like most, I guess I'll try them.

"Hi. Sorry, do you mind if I sit with you guys?" I ask awkwardly as I stand behind one of the empty seats.

"Oh, sorry. The table's really blowing up right now." The kid with dark hair sarcastically states as he gestures to all the empty seats. "I can put you on the waiting list but it's probably next semester at the earliest."

"Oh, well, I wouldn't want to disrupt the divine right of lunch tables." I fire back with sarcasm of my own as I turn to pretend I'm leaving.

"I'm kidding. Sit."

"I know. I was just playing along." I explain as I sit beside the quiet kid. "I'm Y/N by the way."

"Demetri. This is Eli." The dark haired guy introduces them. "He's a man of few words."

"Nice to meet you." I smile, gaining a small smile back from Eli.

"I like your Back to the Future shirt." Demetri compliments.

"Oh, thank you. I'm a bit of an 80s film buff. Plus the music was far better than the overproduced stuff there is in modern day."

"Agreed on all levels of that statement."

"I see you're a comic guy."

The conversation carries on for a while. Though it's mainly myself and Demetri, Eli occasionally chimes in. We talk about 80s films and comics/comic book movies - something that I think will probably happen in depth a lot with us.

"It's refreshing for a human female to not only talk to me, but to have such an in depth knowledge of comics and 80s pop culture." Demetri claims.

"It's refreshing to have a civilised conversation with someone without them throwing something at me or just being a dick." I agree with him.

"People threw stuff at you?" Eli questions quietly.

"All the time. Mainly food and stationery. There was one time where my history teacher had left the room and people were throwing things left, right and centre. It was a war zone. I ended up bleeding from the side of my head. Last time I wear a white shirt."

"Jesus." Eli is stunned as they both look at me with shock and disgust.

"I was 40 minutes late to art class because they had to check me over and call my mom about it. Bitch of a teacher tried to give me detention for showing up late even though there was literally a blood stain on my shirt - plus I had a note."

"Well, you can stick with us to make this torture slightly more bearable." Demetri offers.

A few minutes go by and Demetri is now gushing over the witches at the popular table. It's kind of embarrassing but it pretty much sums up high school cliques. Eli is paranoid that they're making fun of him because of his lip. I reassure him that I think it's cool and unique before Demetri continues drooling over the populars.

"Just because they're pretty doesn't give them the right to be assholes." I remind him.

"I don't care how mean they are - I'd kill both of you to go out with one of them."

"So, let me get this straight. You would rather date a complete bitch who doesn't respect you or care about your interests than someone who actually does respect you and has similar interests?"

"In situations like this, yes."

"You're really desperate, aren't you?" I say dryly.

"Uh, hello. Look what table you're sitting at." He says in an obvious tone. "You practically signed away any chance of not being single and losing your virginity until after college by sitting here. I mean, sure, you're attractive but your social ranking has dropped significantly."

"Gee, thanks." I sarcastically thank him for his comments. "Didn't really have any shot before anyway."

Soon enough, lunch is over. Turns out all three of us have the same class. Before heading to class, we exchange phone numbers and social media usernames. I can tell that this is the start of a weird and wonderful friendship.

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