Mayoral Mayhem

721 93 44

The election.

Oh no.

The election is today.

Grian had completely forgotten that Mumbo was running for mayor! He scrambled about, gathering posters while putting on his white, promotional t-shirt. He tried to push his wings beneath, but it hurt the joints, so he ended up slitting the back of yet another shirt. Soft leather tightened around his shoulders as he strapped on his elytra and hastily folded his wings beneath it. It looked a bit odd, but if he kept wearing it, no one would notice.

He shuffled away the pile of purple garments he had made the day before into a secluded corner of his base, and slid the mask into his inventory, for safekeeping.

He emerged from his base and into the bright sunlight, wincing as it glared into his eyes. His elytra spread out as he lifted off, soaring over trees and ocean.

The ocean was peaceful, small white-capped waves moving lazily across the surface. Sunlight danced merrily as it shone into the water, and clouds of fish darted this way and that.

Up ahead, a large island emerged. Greyish-purple mycelium coating the land, giving off small grey poofs of spores every now and again. Huge mushrooms, looming far above player height, rose from the ground. They were bright vermillion with white speckles and domed caps, or light chocolatey mushrooms with flat tops, like tables made for giants. Most of the island, however, was coated in a diverse selection of buildings. Lakes and ponds stood between them, warm and shallow.

Grian alighted in the centre, where several empty vials stood. Coloured dust was piled in chests in front of each. Quite a few hermits had already gathered in front of the massive town hall, chatting with each other jovially. Laughter floated through the entire district. Making his way over, Grian darted up to the hermits, waving merrily. A few waved back with a smile.

Once he had made his way past his friends, Grian entered one of the voting booths and filled out a small slip of paper. He took a moment. All of his planning, all of his support for Mumbo, all of it came down to this.

He took a deep breath, and scrawled down his vote.

Once he had put it into the chest, he closed his eyes, loading all of the voting slips into a shulker box, including the votes for dogcatcher. Once he had finished, he emerged from the wooden stalls.

"Now we just need to wait for everyone to gather 'round!" He exclaimed, talking to himself. He smiled and plopped down onto a nearby staircase.

~ ⬩ ᒲ⚍ᓭℸ ⬩ ~

Finally, there were enough people to start. He was astonished at the turnout. He quickly listed them off, counting to make sure everyone was here.

False, Mumbo, Cub, Joe, Beef, Etho, iJevin, Tango, Hypno, Impulse, Wels, xB, Bdubs.

Grian noticed that Xisuma wasn't present. That was odd.

He said that he would be.

Grian shrugged. It was time to begin.

"Welcome, everybody to... I guess... the announcement? It was just yesterday we all gathered together for some bad news, but this meeting is for some good!" He looked around, noticing many people wearing supportive Mumbo moustaches.

"I'm pleased to see so many moustaches in the audience today, this bodes well!" A few chuckles rose from the crowd.

"Right, we've actually got quite a lot of votes to get through, so I reckon we should crack on."

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