The Meeting 2, Electric Boogaloo

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It had been two weeks since the accident.

Stress stretched and glanced casually at her communicator.

She, Scar, and Iskall had worked together to rebuild and clean up Grian's base while he and Mumbo had been recovering. Currently, Grian was back on his feet, but he mostly stayed to himself, shut up in his room and letting his injuries heal. Mumbo was in a bit worse state, but they were all helping him recover, and his broken leg was almost completely healed. Otherwise, things had almost gone back to normal.

The server had been oddly quiet, and the Hermits were uneasy with the newfound peace. Fortunately, the meeting was coming up. She was surprised that Xisuma had managed to arrange a meeting with everyone, seeing as they all had different schedules.

There was an hour left until it was time to meet in the shopping district. She had heard all of the hubbub concerning some mysterious stranger on the server, but recently the rumour was that it had almost killed Grian and Mumbo, and that there was more than one.

But those were just rumours.

They would find out the truth at the meeting.

A flower petal fell into her face.

I needa change those out. They're startin' to wilt...

She took a flying leap off the edge of a jungle tree, drifting down onto the jungle floor like a leaf. Landing softly, she began to pull the wilting flowers out of her dark hair, letting them fall to the ground around her.

Once she had finished, she bent down, smiling as she weaved new flowers into her hair. The fresh scent of the pink flora wafted around her, and the sun warmed her back nicely.

After a small stroll through the jungle, her communicator began to buzz incessantly. Hermits were coming online, and soon enough, everyone was.

ᐸXisumaVoidᐳ Alright guys, meeting's starting soon!

Stress took one last deep breath of the humid jungle air and spread her elytra, soaring off into the bright blue sky.

It was time.

~ ⬩ ∴╎リ⊣ᓭ, ⬩ ~

Woah! So many people!

The shopping district was already milling with Hermits by the time Stress arrived. Only a few people were still missing.

As she flew in, Stress called out.

"Haaaaallo everyone! This is a huge meetin'!"

Various Hermits responded as she landed. Someone pointed out the fresh flowers in her hair.

"Yeah, I just collected myself some new flowers for the occasion!"

She spotted Keralis, waving to her from under a tree. She was glad to see that he was now using his injured hand freely. The two buildings that had been put up in the shopping district had been taken down when Xisuma had realised the bad intentions of their creator. Good thing too. Now they could once again gather here in peace.

A few of the missing Hermits swooped in, greeted by happy smiles. It had been too long since they had all been together. The crowd suddenly fell silent. Stress craned her neck, looking for the cause. Xisuma, followed by Grian and Impulse, was emerging from the portal. Grian turned back for a moment, helping Mumbo step through. Xisuma and Iskall waited for Grian by the steps of the town hall, letting him help Mumbo make his way over to a tree and sit down on a log.

After a few seconds, the three Hermits left Mumbo, and made their way up the steps to the town hall. A small platform just before the entrance of the magnificent brick building served as a stage, and the crowd quieted as Xisuma began to speak.

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