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We need more members... let's see..

She picked up a small booklet, the names of hermits scrawled upon it, one after another. Some were crossed out, most weren't.

She looked through the list, grumbling to herself.

"Doc maybe? No, I remember him saying that he hated watchers... Xisuma? Maybe, but not likely... Ah! Grian! It's worth a try. Especially with those wings he's got, he'd be able to act a kind of in-between advocate? I mean, Watchers are bird creatures..."

She immediately took off towards Grian's base. She took along a couple of pamphlets and feathers with her, stuffing them into her already rather full pockets.

~ ⬩ ᔑ↸⍊ᒷ∷ᓭ╎ℸ ̣ || ⬩ ~

Several minutes later, she alighted upon the wooden planks of Grian's base. She called out for him a few times, but it seemed like no one was home. She went through the rooms, tripping over invisibility potions and black feathers.

In one room, she found a pile of crumpled notes, all with bits of some strange language scrawled on them. In another, she found an old photo of Grian and Mumbo from season 6. In yet another, she found a wardrobe, full of strange garments. A Christmas sweater. A little green hat. A guinea pig onesie.
She was about to give up when another thought struck her.

Grian's starter base! Wouldn't hurt to try, at least.

She zipped through the forest, and ended up perched precariously upon the canopy of one of the large jungle trees. She glanced about, forgetting exactly where Grian's base actually was. A flash of purple light to her side startled her, and she looked over curiously. Her face lit up with excitement as she saw a magnificent creature emerge from a glowing portal. Its glossy black feathers shone in the light, and sparkling lavender feathers poked out randomly like stars. A long tail swished through the underbrush. The most unsettling part about it, however, was the eye. The head of the creature was ringed with two glowing halos, and above this, a shimmering eye hovered ominously, peeking through the forest.

She watched the tall being take a few steps forward, the portal collapsing behind it. It reached up with one taloned hand and pulled a dark mask from its face. In a strange transformation, its limbs shortened and the feathers receded, leaving none other than Grian standing outside his hobbit hole. He still had the wings, and some feathers, but he was mostly back to himself. He was breathing heavily, and sat down on the forest floor.

False eagerly dove down, landing right in front of Grian. He jumped, standing and flaring his wings.

"Heya Grian! How are you?" False said, chuckling.

Grian seemed to relax a bit.

"I'm... I'm alright. How about you?"

"I'm doing alright. I'm here to ask..."

Grian suddenly seemed to remember something ,and interrupted her.

"Sorry to interrupt, but have you seen Tango lately?"

False thought for a moment.

"Uh... no, I don't think I have. Why?"

Grian seemed to panic a bit, spreading his wings and glancing about.

"Uhh... no reason. Anyway, continue?"

"I initially came to recruit you into my group, but..."

Grian's face twisted in confusion.


"But then... I saw that you were one of them!"

False smiled and eagerly gestured to the hidden pouch that Grian had stashed his mask away into.

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