Step One

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"So what do you think sets it off?"

"Not sure. But... Even with this plan, how are we gonna prevent it?"


Grian shook his head a bit, shoving the voice to the back of his mind.

"It's back again guys, brace yourselves..."

No, no Xelqua. Though I could easily take over again, I would rather not.

Faint shouts sounded, and Grian felt arms softly take hold of him, unsure.

"I'm good, guys..."

"Grian, the... what is it? Infection? Well whatever it is, it's spreading..."

The voice took over once again, and Grian struggled against it.

I'm going to give you a choice. We are not cruel, you know. If you come with us, we will remove our control over you, and even return the mask to your ownership if you obey.

He struggled against the presence. He knew that the presence was toying with him, barely using any effort, but he was already mentally exhausted.

The presence receded slightly, and he sighed with relief, his body soaked in cold sweat.

You know, even if you join us, we may let you visit these beings you seem to be attached to from time to time. We'll leave this server be. You have 5 days to make your decision. Choose wisely, Sibling Xelqua. If you do not agree, we have no use for you, and we shall take over, and return you to us by force.

The presence abruptly disappeared, and Grian slumped onto a nearby block, breathing heavily. He rubbed his temples, only now realising he had a throbbing headache.

"Alright... I'm fine... but we're gonna have to edit the plan."

Xisuma and Mumbo let go of his arms, backing up.

Grian glanced at his communicator, and swiped to the screen with the private chats. Sure enough, the hermits were speaking through it, the dark screen scrolling as more and more messages poured in.

Hey guys, I don't think the watchers can see this, it's safer than the main server chat.

The watchers just told me that if I go with them they'll leave you guys be, an obvious lie, but I think they were telling the truth when they didn't want to take me over. They just want me to join them willingly. I think no matter what we do, I'll still have this weird transformation issue, unless I let them remove it. What if we pretend to go along?

Is that really a good idea? What if you can't escape?

I won't try to. You guys will go with the original plan, I'll just be there already.

It's risky, and maybe if you go along, they'll let down their guard.

Yeah. I say we do it.

Various messages of agreement flooded in, and Xisuma pressed a small button, shifting the screen and returning to the main server chat.

Grian sighed.

"They must not watch all the time, there must be something that triggers them to listen in..."

Xisuma blinked a few times.

"Maybe if you put on the mask again?"

Grian shivered, and opened his mouth to speak, but Scar beat him to it.

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