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He opened his eyes. He was dead, right? He had to be. So where was he now?

He was still in the void, but everything seemed frozen. Mumbo hung in the air, facing up out of the void with a rocket in hand. The electricity around Grian's body was still, only moving when he did.

"What the..."

He mumbled to himself.

Eyes opened up in the dark. Hundreds, thousands, of glowing eyes.

"What is this?" He called into nothingness.

"Long time no see, buddy..."

Grian turned and saw a figure, the outline wispy and hard to see. Something seemed oddly familiar about the person, his headphones, his outfit, his hair...

"Who are you?"

The man chuckled.

"Silly Grian, always playing pranks."

A faded scene flashed through his mind. Him and this man, smiling as he held TNT.

"Why... why do I know you?"

The figure came closer, his features growing clearer.

"You know, I never did believe you about this 'audience' thing, but I guess you were right. Just look at all of us!"

Grian glanced about. The eyes were still there, watching his every move. Another scene flashed through his mind of this same man, punching his arm playfully. His lips moved, but Grian heard no noise.

"Is this... ughhh! Why can't I remember?"

The figure floated closer and reached out a wispy hand, brushing it against his.

Suddenly, it all rushed back.

Evo. The server. His server! The builds, the pranks, the explosions! The portals and tricks of the Watchers! The Evolutionists! Netty, Tom, BigB, Martyn, Tim, Pearl, Salem, Muka, Zee, and... and...


The man laughed and wrapped him in a ghostly hug. Grian couldn't feel the embrace, but the warmth that coursed through him with his recovered memories was indescribable.

He felt whole.

"Grian, you need to go, before you die. I can't hold you here much longer."

Grian felt warm tears on his cheeks, and he brushed them away, looking around him. Familiar faces rose out of the darkness, before fading away once again.

"How do I help you, how do I get you back?"

Taurtis sighed, still smiling, his face bearing ghostly tears.

"We chose to watch, to be true Watchers. The audience, you could say!"

He chuckled again.

"I know you miss us, you've lost but... look what you've gained! Look at all your new friends! Now go back to them!"

Grian shook his head.

"My wings, Void took them... he took away all my power... I'm useless now."

"Grian, you silly, you've always had wings. You started as a Watcher, back when they were far less hostile-"

Grian shook his head.

"W-what? I don't remember... I got back my memories, but... I still don't remember?"

"Then let me explain, Grian! Don't interrupt my amazing reveal! Gosh, how rude. Anyway, When you became a player, you hid your wings, not wanting me and your other buddies to be afraid of you. Then, waaaay after you'd forgotten your origins, the Watchers decided to get you back, during evo. You decided to go with them. I think you were curious about their "magnificent power" or whatever. You never stopped hiding your real wings, the Watchers just gave you false ones."

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