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Ren dove in, slashing at the leader with his sword.

"Oh hush, you oversized chicken!" He shouted, cutting off what was obviously about to be a long and dreary monologue.

He stopped midair as one of the other Watchers blocked his blade. It had dark feathers with small purple ones interspersed, and it looked to be the second in command.

"You are an interesting one. Where did you come from? Can you teleport just as Sibling Chorus can?"

Ren shook his head, swiping at the Watcher with a clawed hand.

He heard a yell, and both he and the Watcher looked up. Etho had actually managed to subdue the dark purple Watcher, and several other hermits were helping keep it pinned.

"Sibling Crystal! Get these wretched beings off of me!"

The Watcher scoffed, and turned away.

"Weakling. I have no use for you if those players are able to best you so easily."

Ren took the opportunity, and lunged again, this time managing to scratch the Watcher's arm.

It hissed and turned to him angrily. He saw lightning flicker along it's arm, and leaped away not a moment too soon. He felt heat from an explosion behind him and his ears rang. He stood, and saw Cleo and Scar approaching. Cleo slashed at the Watcher with her axe and it hit, cleaving a deep slice in the Watcher's wing.

Cleo let go of the weapon as the Watcher sent lighting up its shaft, leaving the handle charred and flimsy.

Ren stood, but he was knocked down again. Impulse had fallen down and landed on him. With a sickening smack, Impulse's items landed on him, and he winced as a sharp shard of glass nicked his arm.

His communicator buzzed softly, alerting everyone to the death. Crystal lunged forwards again, crackling energy wound around its talons. Before it could strike, Tango ran forwards deflecting its blade. Ren heard a thud, and turned to see Joe, fighting furiously with the smallest Watcher. Stress was trying to help too, but seemed to be limping.

Crystal turned, ignoring Tango, and kicked Stress, who went skidding across the rough stone. Ren and Tango ran over, followed by Zed. Stress was hanging off the cliff, just barely clinging to the edge. Ren leaned down and, with the help of Zed and Tango, they managed to pull Stress back up. Suddenly, Ren felt sharp pain against his back. The other Watcher had also approached, chased by Etho, Iskall, and Mumbo. Xisuma was in the background, helping the others fight the Watcher with the stab wound.

Ren saw Stress's eyes go wide, and the blood drain from Tango's face. Ren began to feel light headed, and he felt warmth against his back. He felt it curiously, and when he lifted his hand, it was coated in blood.

Etho caught him as he lost his balance, but had to let go, the other small Watcher lifted a sword, crackling with lightning. Ren's blood was splattered across one of its talons, and it smiled sadistically.

The taller Watcher chuckled, fighting the others off.

"Finish the player off, Sibling Wind."

The sword made a deadly ark towards his head, as if in slow motion. He heard Joe call out, but couldn't make out the words. He knew he was losing too much blood, he needed to drink the potions so he could recover, he needed to... to...

I- I can't get them fast enough... I can't... I'm... I'm tired...

Ren lost consciousness just before the blade stuck.

~ ⬩ ᓭ⚍∷⍊╎⍊ᒷᓭ, ⬩ ~


Joe called out. He didn't move. A red pool had already stained the stone below him, and there was nothing they could do. From the side, Cleo slashed at the Watcher and it screeched. Cleo had cleanly severed the edge of its wing, and it ran off. She ran up to Ren, but it was too late. His items were all that was left, and she sighed, standing. Joe dodged as one of the two remaining Watchers slashed at him.

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