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They stood in a circle in their new base, dusty stone and clay making a simple temple. Sculpted wings wrapped around the top of each pillar, and the roof of the building had small stone feathers as shingles.

Large glass windows let light stream across the cobbled floor, illuminating moss that hid between the stones.

False's voice echoed around the small chamber, bouncing off the smooth walls.

"I've made contact with one of them."

The people before her immediately began whispering, shock spreading through the room.

"And it turns out that one of them is actually one of us! So, if one hermit can join them, why can't we? I say that our next move should be to find one of the true Watchers, and ask if we may accompany or even join their ranks!"

"I... I think this is real, False. At first I thought this was just a prank, but Xisuma seems really concerned. I think... I think I'm out..."

Beef reached up, and tugged the small feather out from under one of his apron straps.

Without another word, he took off, flying into the sky.

"Yeah... it was fun for a while, but I heard that Zed's research is progressing and... I think I'm gonna help him...Plus, I think we should go check on Iskall... you saw what happened in the chat, he got killed..."

And Cub's feather fell to the ground.

"No! Guys, I finally found him out! Don't you want to know? Aren't you curious who the Watcher is?"

Cub paused in what he was saying.


False smiled.

"Weren't you listening? One of us Hermits isn't really a Hermit!"

"But... Xisuma didn't let anyone new in this season. It was just people rejoining..."

"Aha, but he's been here. He's got nice new sparkly wings..."

Realisation dawned upon her one remaining disciple.

"But didn't Grian get attacked by the Watchers?"

"Ah, yes, there are other Watchers, but I think that Grian could be our link to them!"

Cub shook his head.

"No. I don't think so. He would've told us..."

False heard the uncertainty in his voice.

"How well do you really know him? He only joined last season..."

Cub sighed.

"Look, I'm gonna go. I'm sorry, I just don't think this approach is best. I'm.. gonna go ask Xisuma about stuff. I'll see you around, False."

Cub equipped his elytra and followed the others out of the temple.

Now, False stood alone in the small temple.

Dangit. I... I guess they're right, but...

"Hello False."

False jumped, startled, and spun around, putting a hand on the hilt of her sword.

She relaxed as she saw that it was just Zed.

"Hey there! What're you doing here?"

"I... You lead this whole... uh... where's that cult of yours?"

"It's not a cult, it's an organisation... and... they're gone."

Zed paled slightly.

"Where... did they go?"

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