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The figure drew closer.

"Uhh, hey who are you?"

The figure stopped. The lights of the mansion now illuminated its body. It stood tall and imposing, nearly three whole metres tall. Its slender limbs and neck almost resembling an enderman. Grian was surprised to see that it wore a mask similar to his, the only difference being a silver rim on theirs. It wore a dark cloak with purple symbols stitched into it, and deep purple feathers poked out of its plumage here and there. Whatever it was, it wasn't a player.

Without warning, it lunged towards Mumbo, black metal flashing through the air. Grian acted without thinking, grasping the creature's arm just before the blade landed. For a moment, the air was still. Mumbo scrambled away, but the creature followed. Its blade swept along its deadly course again, but this time, Grian was prepared. He met the sword mid-air with a sword of his own. The clash was deafening, the black material clanging against the diamond one Grian held.

"You belong with us..." It hissed, trying again to make its way past Grian.

He held his ground to give Mumbo time to get away. Unfortunately there was only one exit to this mansion, and that was the doors they were fighting in front of.
The Stranger seemed to realise this, and would fall back whenever Grian attempted to move the battle away from the door.

Grian briefly slipped on one of his own feathers, losing his balance.

Fiery pain blossomed from his side, tendrils of light purple electricity coursing along his ribs as the blade made contact.

It spoke softly, its voice almost pleading.

"I don't want to hurt you, Xelqua..."

Grian collapsed, clutching his forehead.

A stone statue, sitting in a pond. A meteor, striking a building. The statue of an angel.

Grian opened his eyes as the pain abated. A yell echoed through the mansion.


Ignoring the throbbing wound in his side, Grian got up. Behind him, Mumbo lay on the floor, looking towards Grian with fearful eyes. The stranger stood over him, its sword pointed straight at his throat.

Despite knowing he was too far away to do anything, Grian spread his wings and sprinted towards the creature. He reached out a hand and, to his surprise, pale lavender lightning struck the stranger in the face. Its sword dropped, narrowly missing Mumbo and dissolving into grey smoke. The stranger turned.

It held out its hands almost pleadingly, its voice slightly softer.

"You were never meant to play. Come with us. You belong with us." it whispered.

Grian shook his head.

"Who is Xelqua? Leave me and my friends alone!"

He lunged at the stranger, slashing at them with his sword. The Stranger chuckled and grasped the blade of his weapon, bringing it to a complete standstill. They swung at Grian's head, and he winced, closing his eyes. He could do nothing. When no blow came, Grian opened his eyes. The stranger was now writhing, a sword embedded in their shoulder. Clinging to their back was none other than Mumbo Jumbo.

Grian's relief was short-lived. The stranger seemed enraged by now, and a wild cry escaped its maw.

"We're here for you! You need us, Xelqua!"

Grian started towards the fight, but the stranger was now cracking with a strange, deep purple lightning. Realising that they were going to lose, the stranger struck the ground.

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