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She was out. She was done.

Stress was flying away, far away from spawn and the shopping district. Away from the strange figures and deadly lightning. Two other hermis trailed behind her, Keralis and Hypno. Keralis, having been struck by the lightning, agreed with Stress. They were worried for their friends, yes.

But I'm... afraid...

It was foolish to stay in the main parts of hermitcraft now that so much was happening. They were going to found a new village, far away from the chaos and conflict, and forge a new, better life.

As the three Hermits sailed silently over the ocean, Stress shook the wilting pink flowers from her hair, letting the delicate petals float down to the surface of the ocean. They were quickly swallowed by the waves, sinking farther and farther away.

It was time to move on.

~ ⬩ ⎓╎リᔑꖎ ⬩ ~

False looked at her new favourite feather. It was a deep black shade this time, and she swore that occasionally she would see it flicker slightly with remnants of lightning.

She had gotten it just a few days ago, when one of the creatures had approached Doc and Bdubs. She had come in for "backup" but had never planned to harm it.

That would only have made them angry.

She had been struck with less energy than her friend, who had taken much longer to recover. Zed was still weak, but at least he was back on his feet. The only remnant she had was a slight ache in her limbs and a mild headache.

It knew. I know it knew. It could tell I wasn't trying to hurt it.

False added the black feather to her collection. All of the others were an iridescent lavender shade. She loved how they shimmered, almost as if each one contained a tiny storm. The lightning was known to be dangerous though. To most Hermits, these bird creatures were seen as a danger.

But not all legends are true, and these so-called "Watchers" couldn't be too bad, right?

Besides, if they were really so dangerous, then why has no-one died yet?

She winced, remembering Bdubs, but shrugged it off.

It was his fault for hitting the golem. He was trying to hurt one of them. Of course it would defend itself!

If she could just get the other Hermits to realise, then maybe... maybe she could save the server, and finally meet one of these magnificent visitors face to face!

False grinned, and gleefully hopped into the air, gliding away to go see her friends.

~ ⬩ ↸ᒷᓭℸ ̣╎リᔑℸ ̣╎𝙹リ, ⬩ ~

"So you want me to get ya cobble?"

TFC was gathering up some torches, readying himself to go back down into the mines. A group of Hermits, each with a small feather pinned to their collars, were standing around him.

"Yeah! Our base of operations will be mostly stone and stone bricks, and I've heard your mining skills are quite admirable. You must have built up quite a lot of it while mining. You could become one of our loyal members and help us in our cause!"

Behind False, each of the Hermits had a different expression. Cub seemed to be exasperated with False's enthusiastic praise of the watchers, but was inspecting a feather carefully. Maybe he was here for science.

Iskall and Beef were standing next to each other, nodding. Iskall looked a bit more unsure, fidgeting with the edge of his lime-green shirt.
TFC slid the last parcel of torches into his inventory.

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