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Day 10,361

He scrawled the date, and started the day once again.

He sat at his desk deep underground, papers strewn across the wooden surface. Around him was a secret lab of his own making, hidden away underneath his main base. The room was white concrete, with glass tubes and levers all over the walls. They were just decorative, but added nicely to the environment.Getting up, Zed strode over to one of the levers and flipped it. With the sound of pistons and concrete sliding, a door opened up into a larger room, benches and vials strewn about. The door remained open behind him.

A table to his left had several jars and bottles upon it, the many containers each holding some odd substance. In one swirled purply mist, and in another, a strange liquid you could hardly see. Yet another appeared empty, save for small flecks of silvery material.Zed approached a large glass jar. Within it was a handful of black feathers, lying sadly at the bottom of the container. He removed one of them gently and laid it upon a thick stone slab. He grasped a diamond shovel and, with the flat end, struck the feather. Electricity flashed around the shovel and stone slab, immediately shattering the shovel and leaving cracks that spiderwebbed across the slab.

When Zed moved away the shovel's broken pieces, all that remained was a charred mark across the stone and sparkling remnants where the feather once was.

These have such unimaginable power... the things we could do...

He put down the shovel and picked up his notebook again. The soft scratching of the quill was the only sound as Zed scrawled down his findings quickly.

The same reaction even 2 weeks from collection. No changes on the light output or charring range. Lightning shade seems to line up with that of the feathers.

He walked over to his normal workstation. On it, bottles of various liquids were piled. Each had a little label affixed to it. He picked up one vial, labelled "Sample from arrow." It was filled with swirling purple and red blood. He grasped another, filled with red blood. The label read "Sample from Zed." After grabbing a third, filled with deep purple blood, he made his way over to another workstation. "Sample from sword" the label said.

He took all three vials and carefully measured some of each into three separate vials. He added a liquid, labelled "Buffer" to each, corked them, and flipped them a bit, mixing the blood. He put the three samples onto a rack and slipped them into a carefully designed chamber near one of the furnaces.

Five minutes later, he retrieved them eagerly. Nothing seemed to have changed, but Zed was buzzing with curiosity. He ran several tests, scrawling down his observations eagerly. The paper quickly filled, Zed's small chicken feather pen wiggling across the page.

Blood samples have been analysed. The sample from the arrow seems to match my sample for the most part, but it also shares many similarities with the sample from the sword.

The sword sample shows a DNA mutation only found in the end dimension that allows creatures to breathe easier in fog, dust, and dragon's breath. It's present in Endermen and Endermites. Curious that I should find it here. This could be further evidence that these fabled "Watchers" do exist, but it is still inconclusive.

Whatever it is that attacked Bdubs and Impulse, It was different from Mumbo and Grian's attacker.

Suddenly, a bang startled Zed out of his thoughts.

"ZED? ZED! I need your help with something!"

Zed smiled as Wel's familiar voice shouted, muffled from behind the stone wall. Zed made his way back through the doorway into the first lab room, and flipped the lever again, hiding the true nature of his experiments. He then pressed a hidden button on the stone wall in front of him, and he saw Wels jump as the seamless stone wall slid open.

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