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Grian slowly woke up, groaning. It felt as if his entire body was on fire. He kept his eyes shut. After a few minutes, there was the creak of a door, and he heard approaching footsteps.

"Xisuma, what's the big deal with the wings? They're prob'ly just cleverly disguised elytra, like yours."

It was Iskall speaking, his voice annoyed.

Xisuma's response was soft, contrasting his friend's frustrated tone.

"Iskall, I know this will be hard to understand, but those are real wings, and they are not a good sign. I- Grian had a life before this server. Now, the events of his past are beginning to catch up to him. We need to keep him here, or else they will make history repeat itself."

"Who are 'they'? Xisuma, what happened?"

"That's a story for another time. We need to keep him isolated for his own safety. And... we need a way to contain him if... if things go wrong."

He heard Iskall sigh.

"Alright Xisuma. I trust you."

Soon after, Grian heard Iskall's footsteps slowly fade away. However, Xisuma had not left the room. A nearby wooden stair creaked as the strider man sat, letting out a breath.

"I'm so sorry about this... I thought they couldn't find you here. Why did you take that mask... now I'll have to... move you to a safer place. It will keep you safe from them... And the rest of us safe from... from you..."

As the red-suited man's footsteps left the room, the door clicked closed. What Grian just heard echoed through his brain. will keep the rest of us safe...

...from you...

He shifted a bit, but stopped, the slight movement causing one of his wings to throb angrily.

Wait. My wings.

They know about my wings.

Grian quietly sat up. His whole body ached, sores and bruises from the fight still stinging. He tried to stand, but he had to sit back down, his head momentarily throbbing. He tried again and was able to look about. His ankle was sore, and wrapped in bandages.

I must have twisted it when I collapsed.

He was situated in a small room made of stone. Barren except for a torch, sputtering on the wall.

It's quite dismal in here...

There were bandages wrapped around his otherwise bare torso and, as he tried to stretch, he realised why his right wing hurt. More bandages were wrapped around it, and a splint held it straight.

He made his way to the door, using the rough and dusty walls for support. He took the handle and gently turned it, being as quiet as possible. He stepped into the narrow hallway, spotted with a few doors. Grian peeked into a few curiously.

One had a map, with small, inked-in banners. One was labelled the crater, and the others were labelled with the structures Grian had built. Fresh ink formed another banner, by what used to be the stairs of his mansion. The map had been updated, and Grian was shocked to see a charred crater with the stony steps all but gone and the foundation nearly crumbling. He would have to fix that as soon as he got back.

Moving on, he peered into another room, it was very similar to his base. Papers covered the floor, but on a desk in the middle, a bloodstained feather sat, along with a charred stone, from his mansion, he presumed.

He went past a few, before one opened before him.

"Oh!" Exclaimed Iskall, almost running into Grian, "You're awake! Hey Xisuma, he's awake!"

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