New Hermitcraft

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Tango too? What if I'm next?

Jevin shook his head solemnly. He couldn't stay here any longer. He didn't feel safe.

Rumour had it that a small group of hermits had set out to make a new home, out in the wilderness somewhere far away from the chaos of main Hermitcraft.

Sounds like a great idea.

He just hoped he could catch up to them. He had been told that Keralis said they were going northwest, across the ocean, and were going to set up there.

With a direction in mind, he set off, equipping his elytra and bidding his oceanic base goodbye.

It was time for a new start.

~ ⬩ ᓭℸ ̣ ∷╎ꖌᒷᓭ, ⬩ ~

Hypno hopped down from the building he was working on, and landed nearby Keralis. The hermit was already busying himself, and had almost finished figuring out the layout of the paths and little houses he planned to build. Hypno chuckled, and began to check some of the shulkers.

Nope. No. Still no...

"Hey Keralis, do you know if we have bricks?"

Keralis looked up from his work, his face smudged with dirt.

"I don't think so, but you could ask Stress to be sure."

"Alright, thanks."

He took off again, heading into the mouth of an already beautifully built castle front.

He landed a bit clumsily in front of her, and she jumped back in surprise. The Hermit quickly got himself up and brushed off, before asking Stress the same question

"Nope, sorry. There is that lake we passed over while we were comin' here, there's probably a lot of clay there..."

Hypno nodded, and Stress went back to her work, carefully decorating the little hallway.

He sighed. He had hoped someone had brought some, but the lake was better than nothing. He spread out the silvery membrane of his elytra and took off again, heading back south.

The landscape rushed by beneath him, a blur of green. After some time, he landed with a small plop next to a large lake. The water was relatively shallow, and he waded in cautiously. After scoping out all the little clay patches, he waded over to one, and began to mine it, the wet clay clinging to his fingers. He stuffed as much clay as he could into shulker after shulker, and by the time all the boxes were full, he was tired, dirty, and soaked in sweat.

He smoothed back his wet hair and packed up all the boxes, getting ready to head back to New Hermitcraft Haven. It was getting late, and mobs would begin to spawn soon. He looked up, and immediately began to panic. A figure had just rocketed across the sky, flying directly above.

Hypno cautiously wrapped one clay-coated hand around the hit of his sword, just in case.

"Hypno!" a very familiar voice called out.

His tensed shoulders fell as he relaxed, and waved to the figure, who was descending towards him.

Jevin landed with a soft gust of wind, his boots sinking into the sand upon the shore.

"What's up?"

Hypno laughed and stepped out of the water to greet his friend.

"Just collecting some materials. What brings you all the way out here?"

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