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"Well, at least we got all his stuff..."

Cleo began to pick up Keralis' belongings. The fool had tried to climb one of the pillars for a better view, and had leaped off without reequipping his elytra. Luckily, they were able to find all of his scattered items.

It was a shame, but according to Xisuma, he was now safe and sound back in Hermitcraft, albeit without all his items. Apparently this land was linked to their home somehow, despite it being its own world.

"Here, we can put it all in this shulker."

Doc placed down a simple purple box, tossing some of Keralis' armour inside.

"How do you think the others are doing?" Iskall asked, tossing more items into the shulker.

"I'm sure they're fine. Let's just focus, and get to the hall."

Cleo put the last item in the shulker and closed it, handing it to Doc.

"At least we haven't encountered any Watchers yet, and we should be nearly there."

~ ⬩ ꖎ╎⎓ᒷ, ⬩ ~

"Watch out!" Mumbo rolled to the side just in time to dodge a scarily familiar grey blade.

It came towards him again, but he held his ground, parrying the blow with a sword of his own.

"You. I know you!"

The Watcher smiled slightly.


With a yell, Bdubs barreled into the creature, knocking it into a pillar.

"Oh, feisty players! What fun."

It swiped a taloned hand across Bdubs' face, sending him crashing to the ground.

A laugh sounded from above, and Mumbo looked up in horror. A second Watcher was perched right above Scar.

"Scar, above you!"

Scar looked up and let out a frightened shout, running away from the threat. Impulse and Joe were back to attacking the Watcher, and they seemed to be gaining the upper hand. Bdubs was still on the ground, but seemed to be breathing.

To Mumbo's surprise, the second Watcher just stood there, its purple feathers glinting in the light. The other Watcher was struggling, and had similar feathers, though white fluff poked out of the smooth plumage here and there.

The one on the pillar called down.

"Come now Sibling Wind, you cannot possibly be so weak as to lose to mere players?"

The other Watcher swiped at the hermits with its tail, and responded.

"I am not losing, Sibling Chorus. Why do you not assist me? Do you fear them?"

Sibling Chorus let out an indignant squawk, and suddenly disappeared, only a few feathers and purple sparks hanging in the air.

"Wha-" Mumbo began to say.

Before he could make sense of this, he felt a hand lift him from behind, clutching the back of his neck. Sharp talons dug into his skin, and he winced.

"How dare you insult me in such a way. I do not fear these feeble bei-"

The talon suddenly released him, and Mumbo dropped to the ground.

"Sibling Chorus!"

Mumbo turned to look, and saw Scar, his blade embedded deep in the Watcher's back.

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