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Y/N is now reading a book, a cup of tea in hand. This is how her day usually went after leaving the Avengers compund. She doesn't have a TV, a phone, or even a radio thinking that those will give out her location, which is the least thing she wanted to happen. Y/N doesn't wanna be found.

As Y/N was reading, another vision crossed her mind. It was her friend, Wanda Maximoff, destroying what seemed like a tomb or a throne. Y/N saw how the rubbles swallowed Wanda's body. The last thing she saw was a burst of energy being released from where Wanda was.

Y/N held her head, throbbing in pain after seeing the vision. She was covered in cold sweat, and her eyes started to get filled with tears.


"FUCK!" I yelled out of pain. My head feels like it's going to explode. After the pain subsided, I started to process What I just saw. It was Wanda, no doubt about it. I could never forget that face. I almost smiled at the idea that she's alive but then...

"I have to save her." Shit. I don't even know where she is. But I still tried to focus myself on Wanda's presence. Good thing I could teleport by focusing on either the person or the place I wanna go to.

"I have to find her. Come on Y/N, it's now or never." I closed my eyes as I focused on Wanda. This is gonna be risky since I don't really know where she is or if that vision is even real. Fuck, I don't wven know if she's really alive or what. My train of thought was cut off when I felt the sensation of being pulled, and noticing a sudden change of environment. Opening my eyes, I realized I'm out in a... I don't know, probably a mountain top? A snowy mountain top. Good thing I'm a fire user and I can manipulate my body temperature, so the freezing environment doesn't really affect me.

I turned around to get familiar with this place and wondered why I was brought her by my powers. I'm pretty sure Wanda's on a rub- OH MY GOD! My visions, the visions I saw, they're real! THEY'RE FUCKING REAL! Tears started to fill my eyes, some started to fall realizing that the destroyed throne thingy I saw in my vision is right in front me. Well, on another mountain in front of where I am right now.

Not wasting any more time, I quickly made a pair of wings with my fire. This is a trick I learned while hiding from humanity. I then flew over to the rubble, forgetting that my clothes aren't fire proof. My top and my bra started to burn but I didn't mind. Right now, my priority is saving Wanda.


Y/N used her telekinetic abilities to easily remove the blocks of stone and concrete, not really bothere by her half naked state after her wings burnt her top into ashes. She's too busy searching for Wanda and it's not like someone else is there anyway. Blocks after blocks of stone and concrete and there's still no sign of Wanda. Y/N now having mixed emotions wether she should be relieved that Wanda might've escaped before being smashed by the rubble or not.

After a long moment, Y/N caught a glimpse of red cloth. This made her heart beat faster as worry started to consume her. Few more moments passed, and there she saw the body of Wanda Maximoff, unconscious and covered with scratches. She flew down beside Wanda and quickly checked for any sign of life.

She cried tears of joy after making sure that Wanda's alive. Y/N carried Wanda in bridal style as gentle as possible to avoid adding any more injury to the witch's beat up body. "Damn, that headpiece is stronger than my bones. Not even a scratch or a crack from the rubble." She then teleported the both of them back to her nice little cabin, laying Wanda carefully on her bed.

"You're safe now, buddy," Y/N whispered before leaving to get a basin of warm water and some cotton face towels to clean off Wanda's wound and any exposed skin. She didn't bother taking off Wanda's cloth just to respect the woman.

After cleaning and patching up Wanda's wounds, Y/N now decided to take a quick bath, only realizing then that she's been half naked all the time she was there taking care of Wanda. She just shrugged at the idea because she knows that no one would've seen her like that. And if someone did managed to see her like that, 'bless their eyes' then.

The next day, Wanda woke up in a completely unfamiliar room. Sitting up, she noticed a note on the bedside table. She looked around the room after reading the not.

"Where am I?"

Author's Note

This is how Y/N's wings look like:

This is how Y/N's wings look like:

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