Chapter 19

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"Miss Maximoff, mind walking me around the ship?"

She smiled and stood up, offering her hands for me to hold. Which, of course I did. I was still in my hospital gown since I have nothing else to wear. We started walking around the ship, with me constantly nodding to the Skrulls that we crossed paths with.

"So... what happened back there? In S.W.O.R.D. HQ I mean. What happened after I got shot?" I was pretty sure Hayward and some other agents were still alive before I lost consciousness.

"I... I killed the man who shot you. Fury took care of Hayward." Oh, so Nick killed Hayward. I giggled at the idea of him loosing control. "What's funny?"

I shook my head before telling her that it was nothing. We continued walking until I decided to stop at a part inside the ship where you could see outside. It's really beautiful. I walked closer to the glass window and stared at the beauty of space. It's all dark and peaceful. I love it.

"Why did you kill Vision back at the facility?" I think I caught her off guard by that question, but I'm really curious.

"That wasn't the Vision that we know. That one was different."

"I see. But don't you think if you left with him and found some place, you could, you know love him the way you used to?"

I felt her eyes staring at me intently, as if studying me.

"I don't think so," she replied, staring back outside the ship.

"Why not?" Minutes passed and she didn't answer. Silence. This silence is killing me. Maybe I crossed a line. What do I do? Just please, answer me Wands. Answer me.

"You're too loud."

Huh? Is there someone else around here? There's no one else here, right? Is there a ghost? Oh my g-

"Your mind's too loud, Y/n."

Shit. I looked at her, realizing that she's already looking at me with a smile. "Is your mind always this loud?"

"I think so. Yeah."

"I'm glad you finally let me in," she murmured.

"There's nothing more to hide anyway. You already know the one thing I kept protected in my mind."

She didn't answer so I chanced a look at her. She seemed to be thinking deeply and then I saw her right there in front of me, change into something more comfortable to wear using her magic. It was so cool. And she looks damn good, too.

"Maria told me something," she started. I didn't say anything, urging her to continue. "She told me that... that you've been in love with me for quite a while now. For years now, actually. Is that true?" She looked at me with hope in her eyes.

I nodded and looked back out into space. "I told you before I passed out, right? I've always loved you. And I will always do," I said, the last words no more than a whisper.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" she asked. What was I supposed to say? Oh, because of that toaster of a boyfriend of yours. That just sounds wrong.

Sighing, I sat on the floor still facing the glass wall. I don't have the courage to look at the Witch at the moment. "I was still young. I thought it was just some crush that will go away in time. But I guess not."

"But," she paused. "There was Natasha, too. She's the dream of everyone. Men and women."

I laughed at that. It's true that Natasha's everyone's dream girlfriend, but not mine. "True, but she's more of a sister to me. And she knew about my tiny crush on you that time. Even Tony and Clint knew." I smiled at the memory of them teasing me whenever Wanda's around.

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