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A week had passed since I found Wanda and brought her here. Her bruises and wounds are better now. Some are completely gone  but that wound on her forehead... well I hope it won't scar. She's still asleep by the way. We ended up drinking a bottle of champagne last night and pretty much stayed up until 2 in the morning. It was good seeing her smile again. I told myself not to let her feel alone and that I'll make her happy after she told me about the Westview and the... what was it? Kamar... Kamar something thingy. I didn't really understand a thing but one thing's for sure, she's regretting what she did.

Anyway, I'm making my special egg sandwich right now. Well, it's not really special. But it's good. At least for me. Yeah.


Y/N was dancing to the beat in her head, not noticing that Wanda is already awake, watching her with a smile. Wanda stayed standing in front of the bedroom door still in her green pajamas which was originally Y/N's – waiting for Y/N to notice her. After moments of waiting, she decided to go on to the kitchen to watch Y/N. "I wish I could hear your mind to know what song you're listening to in your head right now." Y/N turned to look at Wanda who's smirking at her, making her blush. "Uh well, just some random tune that I don't know where I heard from." Y/N offered a smile, giving Wanda her plate of sandwich. Wanda sat down on a barstool beside the kitchen counter as Y/N prepared their drinks.

While eating, Wanda asked Y/N about her plans today. "Well, nothing much since you offered to cook lunch." Wanda giggled. She's really looking forward to this because Y/N finally let her do some other stuffs aside from resting. "Does cooking really make you that happy?" Y/N asked Wanda who just finished eating her breakfast.

"Yeah. I'd like to cook some cookies some time too."

"I'll be sure to buy the ingredients then."

Wanda smiled at Y/N, drinking her hot chocolate. Y/N then grabbed Wanda's plate with hers to wash them up. After washing the plates, she walked to Wanda who is now sitting on the couch, reading a book.

"By the way Wanda, I'm going out tomorrow."

"Where are you going?"

"I've gotta go do missions."

"Missions? Does that mean you're gonna–"

"Kill people. Yes." Wanda just looked at Y/N with a worried look plastered on her face.

"Hey, don't worry. I'm gonna be fine. I've been doing this for the past, I don't know, 6 or 7 years."

"How long will you be gone?" Wanda started to fidget with her rings which was noticed by Y/N.

"Will you be okay being alone here?" Y/N looked at Wanda waiting for her answer.

"I'll manage," Wanda replied without looking at Y/N, "So, how long?" She added.

"Probably a week. A week at most." Wanda didn't answer.

"Ill just have to reach my target amount of money and then I'll come home immediately, okay?" Y/N stood up and placed her empty cup to the sink.



Wanda was quiet the whole day. I don't really know what's wrong. Maybe she doesn't wanna be alone. Or maybe, she doesn't want me going out there killing people for money. I took a deep sigh then went to my room –well, Wanda's room– to get my suit since I'm gonna be leaving early tomorrow. I'll try to finish my mission as fast as possible because I hate the idea of leaving Wanda alone in this lonely little cabin out of nowhere.

Wanda was reading a book when I came in. Before I went out the room after getting what I have to get, she called me out. "Be careful." Those simple words made me blush and I hope she didn't noticed the tint on my cheeks. "Yeah, I will. Good night, Wanda." I offered a smile and nodded at her before closing the door. "I really have to reach my target as fast as possible and get back home," I mumbled to myself.

-after 2 days-


I luckily finished my job in two days. Yeah, just two days. I chose the high paying ones to finish early, but of course, they're the most dangerous ones. Not gonna lie, I'm pretty beat up. And I have a damn bullet in the lower right part of my abdomen. "This is gonna be painful." I put my weapons on the wooden trunk on my porch and the duffle bag with the money on the bench. I took a deep breath before getting inside the house looking the best I can manage, hiding the pain I'm feeling.

"Wanda? I'm back." I then heard the back door click open then close. And there came the ginger haired girl holding a basket with... I really can't see what's inside it.

"Hey! I thought you'll be out for a week."

"Yeah, a week. 'At most'." She smiled but it immediately faltered as she noticed that I'm not really looking so good.

"You're pale. Are you okay?" She put down the basket on the counter and approached me.

"Your wounds are completely healed now."

"It's really not the time to worry about me, Y/N."


Y/N took a deep breath before telling Wanda what happened.

"You know how to stitch a wound, right?"

"Yeah. Are you okay?"

Wanda started to get worried. Thoughts started running through her mind. Wanda examined Y/N's body, which she found pretty hard because of the suit she's wearing. The blood is pretty hard to notice in an all black outfit.

"Hey, hey relax. I just got shot. Nothing fatal." Wanda's eyes widened at what Y/N said.

"It's really not fatal. Now, let's go to the bathroom, take the bullet out, and stitch up the wound before I die of blood loss... which is impossible thanks to my mutant genes."

That was Y/N's way to lighten the mood but Wanda didn't really relax even just a little bit. She's really worried about Y/N.

Wanda quickly took out resources from the cupboard that they'll use. She sterilized the needle that she'll be using to stitch up Y/N's wound and prepared some cotton towels and warm water to clean the wound. Y/N on the other hand started taking her suit off, leaving her in just her underwear. She took a piece of cloth that Wanda found and bit on it to muffle her groans and avoid biting her tongue. Wanda watched Y/N as she sat beside the sink, using her telekinetic ability to remove the bullet.

Wanda quickly cleaned the wound and stitched it up. When the witch was about to patch the wound up, Y/N stopped her. "It's okay Wanda, you've done enough. Thank you." Y/N started cleaning the stuffs they used, throwing her suit and bloodied towels to a separate laundry bin.

"Are you sure you don't need any of my help anymore?"

"Yeah. Besides, I have to take a bath first."

Wanda nodded then started keeping the resources back to the cupboard where she took them.

"Well actually, can I ask for one more help?"

"Yeah sure. What is it?"

"Uhmm... could you get me some... uhmm, change of clothes? Please?"

Y/N started blushing which didn't escaped Wanda's eyes, making the witch giggle.

"Sure miss Y/L/N. Anything else?"

"T-that's all... thanks."

You're Not Alone (Wanda Maximoff x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now