Chapter 15

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6 months later

Y/n has been going in her missions again for the past five months. She was finally able to persuade the Sokovian bit with one condition. Wanda told her that she's limited to one mission per month. It was better than none.

"Just one mission, understood?" Maria squeezed Y/n's arm.

"Yeah, I know. I don't wanna upset the witch anyway" Y/n replied, glancing at Wanda who's sitting on the couch with her book.

"Now, wait. I gotta check of your tracker's working properly." Maria went to her laptop and gave Y/n a thumbs up after seeing the blinking green dot. "You're good to go, Y/n."

"Be careful, please," Wanda chimed in. Y/n smiled and gave the two women a nod before teleporting.

Maria called Fury to inform him about Y/n's whereabouts. "I'll be there by tomorrow," he replied. Maria went back to watching her laptop and put in her earpiece.

"Maria, I'm here. Safe and sound," Y/n said.

"Alright, good. Be careful," Maria replied. "And don't forget to update us every once in awhile," she added.

"Yeah, I'll call you back."

The line went silent. Maria started fidgeting in her seat, something that she never does. Wanda noticed it and asked Maria what's wrong. "I just have a weird feeling. I don't know. Something doesn't feel right about this mission," Maria explained, brows furrowed. She fell silent again as she watched the blinking green dot move on the screen.

Wanda stood up and got Maria a glass of water. "She'll be fine," she said, giving the older woman a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

"I know. She's the strongest woman I know, but my gut feeling's telling me otherwise." With what Maria said, Wanda also started getting nervous about Y/n's safety.


Y/n chose an average paying job. She went to her hideout after accepting the mission to plan her attack. It's always better to have a plan after all.

She moved locations and waited for her target, making sure she's out sight. It was almost midnight and she was on an alleyway waiting for the supposedly mafioso that she has to kill. She prepared her gun, making sure there enough bullets. She doesn't have to put in a silencer since it already has one. Customized by Nick Fury, the supportive foster dad.

Few moment later, the target came into view, together with some other men. Great, she thought. More men to kill. She was about to shoot one of them when she felt a bolt of electricity flow through her body, making her drop her weapon and whimper. "Fuck," she cursed, still shaking from the electric shock.

One of them attached something in each of Y/n's wrists, later realizing that those were technologically advanced handcuffs. They also put something v in her neck which turned into a collar. The power cancelling one. She took a deep breath when they stopped the taser assault. She struggled to stand up and tried using her powers but nothing worked, thanks to the collar.

"What do you need from me?" Y/n asked. The 'target' approached her, holding her jaw and removing her mask.

"Where is the witch?" he asked.

"I don't know," Y/n weakly replied. The mad scoffed before letting her go.

"Look, the director wanted the Maximoff girl and we know that you know where she is. How about you tell us her whereabouts and I'll let you go?"

You're Not Alone (Wanda Maximoff x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now