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Do you know what's the most scariest escape route from reality? where you won't experience the present or future?

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Do you know what's the most scariest escape route from reality? where you won't experience the present or future?


Most people fear it while others are desperate for it. usually it all depends on what they're going through. whether it be a harsh lifestyle or an easy one, it just depends on how they go through it.

Truly one of the most scariest thing to ever experience.

Now years had pass and the Inazuma region had still remain the same. the sakura blossoms were still growing and the people are still residing. although everything looks normal and the same, the only thing that had truly changed was a certain noble clan.

The Kamisato clan that was once lively was now dark and empty. the once glorious green garden in the estate was now drowning in sorrow from the harsh rain that was falling down upon them. the roof was now creating a puddle before it becomes to heavy to the point it soon falls down like a waterfall.

Inside the main estate building, three certain people were residing in a small bedroom together. the oldest of the three was currently gazing outside the rain with dullness in his lavender like eyes. the middle one was gazing down at their youngest who slept peacefully, not knowing what had happened few hours prior.

"Brother," Kamisato Ayaka called out quietly. she was the middle child and the older sister of the Kamisato siblings. her eyes gaze at her own brother worriedly who has been staying silence for awhile now.

Kamisato Ayato, the only son in the clan as well as the oldest brother of his two younger sisters. although he was still in a young age, he was most certainly already mature like a 35 year old adult.

Not responding to his sister, Ayato continued on watching the water droplets falling down to their death.

Ayaka stood up from her position and sat next to her brother who leaned against the window. the two stayed silent once more until Ayato had finally spoke, "how do we tell her?"


The 'her' Ayato meant was their baby sister who was currently in dreamland. drifting off peacefully as if the thundering rain wasn't there.

Kamisato (Y/n) who was the youngest and the treasure of the Kamisato clan is taking her usual nap. right now, she's only 13 while her older siblings were 17 and 21.

"I-I don't know how to tell her, brother."

Ayato moved his gaze down to his sister. he could see her chest rising up and down steadily, indicating she's having a dream rather than a nightmare, but unfortunately once she wakes up, she will be in a real nightmare.

"I don't want to wake her up and tell her what had just happened."

Ayaka nodded and agreed. the two may seem like they don't care about what happened, but inside their soul and hearts, they're crumbling into a million pieces.

Just thinking about breaking the news to (Y/n) is going to break them even more. they knew how close she was with their father and how she favors him.

So how can they tell her that he's gone forever?

Soon, Ayaka felt a hand on her head, patting it in a comforting manner, "i'll tell her, i don't want to burden you on having to tell her," Ayato said. this nearly made Ayaka teared up and she immediately embraced her brother.

Not hesitating, Ayato embraced his sister back. he knows how hard it is right now for them. their clan was now going through their downfall as well as their reputation. the noble clan that everyone loved and respected is becoming nothing.

Few moments later, Ayaka released her brother and sniffed a bit. she tried to held in her tears, but she couldn't after realizing it's over for them.

"Don't worry," Ayato suddenly said which made Ayaka look back at him. "i'm not giving up on this clan, i'll start working on building our name again. i had already made a promise to father that i'll protect you and (Y/n), no matter what happens."

Biting her lip, Ayaka already feels bad for her older brother. someone who has to mature at such a young age and giving up their childhood for the clan's sake. ever since it was announced that Ayato will have you her siblings, he would train hard everyday so he could protect them. he doesn't care what happens to him, as long his two younger sisters are safe, nothing else matters.

"Brother, i'm worried for our (Y/n)," Ayaka whispered quietly in the bedroom. the only sound that could be heard was the soft breathing from (Y/n)'s sleeping form and the rain crying outside.

"I am too, but we can't keep this a secret from her."

If they kept this a secret from her, only god knows what will happen if she knew later on. not only would her world burn, but her heart will shatter and soon drop down into a pit. those once happy smile will turned downwards, those (e/c) eyes will be filled with watery tears, and those light giggles will soon turn into broken cries.

How did this even happen? just a month ago, the family had a warm dinner together and now the only thing was an empty table set with broken plates.

When will this suffering end?

Their name was already ruined including their image, and now the former head of the clan is not even breathing on this land.

"How can we tell her that father's gone?" Ayaka asked mindlessly.

Ayato was about to respond back only to he interrupted by a familiar voice.

"What do you mean papa is gone?"

The two older siblings snapped their neck only to see (Y/n) sitting up from her laying position. it had seem like she had just woken up. blinking a few more times and overcoming the sleepiness, (Y/n) yawned a bit.

Once her vision was more clear, she could see her siblings looking at her in fear, shock, and grief.

"What do you mean papa is gone?" (Y/n) asked once more.

Ayato went closer to his baby sister and grabbed both her hands delicately, "look into my eyes." (Y/n) did what she was told and her own eyes widened as she could see some those once lively pearl lavender eyes looking all dim.

"No matter what happens, as your older brother and family, i will protect you and your sister."

This made (Y/n) tilt her head in confusion, "what do you mean?"

Then the next few words Ayato spoke made the youngest sibling feeling her own heart drop.

"Papa is gone forever, (Y/n)."

a/n: how do we like it so far?

(not edited)

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