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Few days had soon turn into months as the Kamisato clan start to rebuild their name

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Few days had soon turn into months as the Kamisato clan start to rebuild their name. although there were only three members left, Ayato has done the most to claim the clan's reputation.

Ayaka was there next to him, supporting him by his side while (Y/n) could only stand by and watch. growing up, (Y/n) never really learned about the politics in Inazuma like her siblings because her late parents wanted her to enjoy her childhood before she could learn about it.

Unfortunately, she didn't get a chance to learn after they had passed away. (Y/n) tried to learn about it, but her brother stopped her saying he will deal with it.

Ayato didn't want to put any weight on his younger sister's shoulder so he decided to take in all the meetings and paperwork.

Throughout those few weeks, (Y/n) and Heizou had became best friends or that's what Heizou claimed. (Y/n) only thought the term 'friend' was better. he would sometimes visit the estate to keep (Y/n) company or take her out to the main city.

Between the two, (Y/n) was the listener while Heizou was the talker. he would talk about his dream on becoming a detective or how he helped someone find their missing cat.

Right now, they were having lunch together and Heizou was explaining how he was always praised for his young intelligence.

"I mean sure i have quick thinking and reasonings, but i don't see why i need a whole praise for it. as long it solves any conflicts, i don't mind sharing my opinion or ideas on it."

(Y/n) nodded, "true, but i think it's sometimes okay to accept a few compliments, just make sure it doesn't boost your ego too much."

That made Heizou laughed cheerfully, "wow (Y/n)! you really do know how to make me smile."

The Kamisato girl nearly blew a fuse, "w-well don't get use to it!" she then continued on eating her meal as Heizou continued on laughing.

Thinking he didn't notice, (Y/n) cracked a small smile as she listened to his laughter. those laughter than can cause anyone to laugh or smile along from how contagious it sound.

Finally calming down, Heizou cleared his throat, "so how are you doing for the past few weeks? i know we have been seeing each other for some times, but after hearing what happened to your clan, i was worried about how you were feeling."

Typical Heizou, always picking up anyone's feelings even if they tried to hide it. the boy knew if something was wrong or something has changed.

Not answering him, (Y/n) played with her meal to which Heizou changed his expression into complete worry.


Looking up, she sees Heizou not smiling for the first time. (Y/n) would be lying that she nearly shivered from his green orbs staring at her so seriously.

"I-I'm fine! nothing is wrong, i mean my clan is climbing back to the top, right? what's there to be worried about?"

Heizou continued on staring at her in silence until, "okay, but if you do need anything, you can go to your favorite detective!" pointing at himself with a smirk. this gesture made (Y/n) giggled, "thank you Heizou."

He didn't know why, but he could feel his cheeks warming up from the sweet giggle she let out, scratching the back of his neck bashfully, "n-no problem." Heizou wasn't the kind to easily get flustered, but he can't help it when he had befriended one of the prettiest girl he knows in Inazuma.

"After this meal, want to go to the beach? the spot where we first met?"

Heizou smiled at that suggestion and (Y/n) can just imagine a dog wagging its tail happily, "of course!"

Sitting next to each other on the sand and gazing at the beach, the two enjoyed the salty smell of the ocean breeze

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Sitting next to each other on the sand and gazing at the beach, the two enjoyed the salty smell of the ocean breeze. the clear water crashing down the shore while the small crabs would bury themselves under the sand.
the sun beaming down at them while the clouds show off how fluffy they are.

Between the two, it was silent, but the not awkward kind, the kind that is comforting. no words or sounds needed, just their presence was enough.

"I'm serious you know," Heizou started off which caught the girl's attention to him.

She could see him not looking at her, but just the sea in front of them. "if you need someone to talk to or someone that can be there for you, i'll be here. i know we have only known each other for a few months, but i don't let my friends go easily."

(Y/n) widened her eyes at the sudden loyalty in his words. no one has ever shown her so much care other than her late parents or older siblings. whenever (Y/n) tried to talk to the other kids around her age, they always speak to her so formally or that they didn't want to get too close to her because of her high reputation.

Heizou continued on with his words, "i know that you sometimes bottle up your feelings inside because you don't want to burden your siblings, but i'm here, right? you can come to me and i'll find you. although i'll be everyone's number one detective in the future, i'll be your number one Heizou!"

Turning his gaze away from the sea and to (Y/n), he grinned with warm cheeks.

(Y/n) felt her breath being taken away, although she's only fourteen, she feels like a princess meeting her soulmate already.

Then the magenta hair boy feels his whole figure being tackled down on the sand. his eyes widen as he looked down to see the girl embracing his torso.

"W-Woah! are you okay?"

(Y/n) could only shake her head and tightened her embrace, "you're so stupid sometimes, you know that?"

Heizou blinked, but then laughed loudly like a joyful man, "haha! only you can think i'm stupid, huh?"

She didn't answer and just smiled against his chest. Heizou calmed down a bit and hugged her back, "if you ever get lost, i'll find you even if i have to go across the whole world for you." he claimed to which (Y/n) smiled even brighter at that claim.

"Thank you, my detective."

And those were the last words (Y/n) had said to Heizou before she was declared missing the next day.

a/n: now the hide and seek game begins 😳

(not edited)

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