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The said boy turned his gaze from the sea to the girl sitting next to him. she wasn't looking at him as she was staring off to the sea mindlessly, but her hands were intertwined with his that were laying on the sand.

"Let's make a promise to each other.." she started off as she continued on looking at the crashing waves.


Heizou felt her hand tightened around his as she seemed to be nervous and hesitated on what to say next. humming softly, "promise me that no matter where i am, you will find me."

Furrowing his brows in confusion, "what do you mean? are you leaving somewhere?"

Giggling, "no silly, but if i do get lost, will you find me?"

"Of course i will! i'll find you even if you're across the sea!" Heizou declared wholeheartedly. "though, i'm concerned why you suddenly brought this up... are you sure you're alright? you know you can talk to me, right?"

Smiling and now gazing at the boy, "of course i know that. it's just that i feel like one day, we won't be together anymore..."

Before Heizou could retort and asked what she meant, (Y/n) suddenly stood up, "i'm going to look for something, don't worry, i'll comeback in a few." then Heizou watched her walked away until she was out of his view.

He was confused again, but nonetheless let it go this time. now enjoying the view of the sea, Heizou closed his eyes as he let the ocean breeze blew into his face. sitting alone and thinking about his heart is erratically beating from just holding hands with her.

Her soft delicate hand intertwined with his own felt like he can do anything and the adorable giggle she lets out was music to his ears, and it fitted so well with the ocean waves crashing down to the sand.

Waiting a few moments later, Heizou noticed (Y/n) hasn't been back. feeling a bit off, Heizou stood up and decided to look for her.

Walking into the city, he noticed that no one was around. there was no children running around or adults doing their business shops. not even a dog was barking loudly.

Furrowing his brows, the detective walked until he finds himself in a dark field. the supposed to be green grass was just dead wheat while the flowers are flowers with no petals.

Ignoring the way the sky seems to get darker, Heizou walked deeper into the field until his steps halted in front of a cave.

Hearing the hollow wind blowing the dark cave, Heizou made a 'tsk' noise. grabbing a nearby wood and rock, the detective skillfully made a torch.

Continuing on his walk, Heizou can't seem to stop himself from walking, "(Y/n)!? are you in here!?" calling out her name with worry in his tone, Heizou feels goosebumps forming on his pale skin from the cold cave.


His ears perked up from her familiar voice calling out to him, "(Y-Y/n)!? where are you!? call my name and i'll come to you!"

"Heizou! come help me! i-i'm scared!"

Now running further into the dark cave, Heizou picked up his pace towards her voice. "(Y/n)! stay where you are! i'm coming to you right now!" panting, Heizou kept on running until he feels like he's running in a endless mile.

"(Y/n)? answer me!"

"Heizou! HELP ME!"

Running faster, Heizou ran until he slowly slowed down as he watch there was a dead end. just a pile of big rocks together, blocking the entrance into no where.

"(Y/n)!? WHERE ARE YOU!?"

He could feel his own heart thumping and it wasn't from the running. his own world feels like it's crumbling down from fear. Heizou doesn't like this feeling. he doesn't like it at all.

"(Y/n) please answer me!"

Calling out once more desperately, Heizou turned around sharply as he felt a gust of wind passing his figure.

Slowly walking back, Heizou controlled his breathing, hoping to hear any sound nearby. a few minutes had pass by until he heard something which immediately made his feet move.


Turning to the left corner, Heizou kept on running until it felt like his own two feet can't move anymore.

But he won't.

He won't stop running until he finds her.

Slowing down, Heizou panted as he gazed down at the ground. there was footprints, multiple footprints running into a certain direction. following it, Heizou cautiously now walked towards where the footprints are.

Ignoring all the darkness around him, Heizou stopped his steps as he gaze at what's in front of him.

Time is now forever frozen as he let his once beating heart stop. those tingly feeling in his chest were now replaced with knives as it stabbed his chest multiple times. creating a deep hole that can never be filled.

TW: explicit scene

Letting go of the fire torch, Heizou fell onto his knees as he watch her blood create a crimson ocean on the ground. the warm liquid escaping her now cold body as it lied limply in front of his eyes.

Shakily watching the blood creating a larger ocean, Heizou could feel his own world drop into the depths of red.


"This isn't funny..."

"S-Stop this."

Whispering while crawling to her figure, Heizou let his fingers touch the red liquid as he sees multiple cuts on her fragile body. there's a few on her neck, stomach, arms, wrist, and legs.

The cuts weren't like paper cuts, but deep cuts until you see her bones peeking out of the flesh. the now fresh blood flowing out of her as if it's water leaking from a pipe.

Placing both hands on each cheeks, Heizou turned her head towards him only to see her smile. that bloody smile, smiling at him with a swollen bloody lip.

Out of all the things Heizou was seeing right now, the most traumatizing thing was that he realizes her chest has a hole. a hole where her heart was no longer there. like it was ripped or chewed out by something or someone.

That deep hole in her chest was something that made Heizou want to scream. letting go the anger, fear, and pain he is currently feeling right now.

This is not real.

This can't be real.

This isn't suppose to be real.

Heizou continued on staring at her still figure in horror until he started gripping her neck mindlessly. tearfully staring into her half lidded dull eyes, Heizou tightened his hold around her neck until he feels his own world went unconscious.

a/n: how we feeling? 🤡🎤

(not edited)

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